Top 500+ Girl Names Starting With S

Top 500+ Girl Names That Start With S

Choosing a name for a child is an important decision for any parent. It is believed that a child develops characteristics according to their name. Hence, a child should have a well-thought name. If you’re soon going to be parents or have joined the ‘new parents club’ recently, you must be in search of a name for your little one. All parents want their little one to have a unique name…a name that has a profound meaning. Some parents even want a name starting with a particular letter. If you want a name for your baby that starts with ‘S’ we’ve got you covered. We have compiled a list of baby girl names starting with ‘S’. If you have a baby girl or are expecting one and looking for a name that starts with ‘S’, then read on!


Before you check out the names starting with ‘S’, find out why a name with ‘S’ would be so great for your girl! A person whose name starts with ‘S’ is considered to be a born leader, and they tend to do well in life. A person whose name starts with S may grow up to be a successful actor, politician or even a businessperson. They tend to be honest and trustworthy and are extremely charming both inside and out. They are also warm, loving, and compassionate. Now that you know why your little angel’s name should start with ‘S’, let’s take a look at the beautiful names.

Popular Baby Girl Names That Begin With S

We ensure that we provide you with American girl names that are unique and have wonderful meanings. Your search for female names that start with S ends up here. Take your time to go through this list and find the perfect name for your angel!

Sayyida Savi
Schelby Savina
Scarlitt Savira
Safia Savonna
Safiyah Savoy
Sakura Savvy
Saison Salem
Scyler Salina
Sharmaine Salley
Seallie Sakinah
Seana Samuelle
Searita Serenade
Sienna Servilia
Sacha Sessily
Sherese Saphira
Sheyla Sommer
Shiri Sona
Shirl Saquoia
Sahana Sara
Secelia Stazie
Shirline Stelle
Shirlyn Sun
Siana Sunday
Saira Sunshine
Saisha Stormi

Unique Baby Girl Names That Begin With S

If you are looking for S girl names in a unique category, something that is rare and one-of-a-kind, then you will like these below names.

Saffron Serenity
Sage Seung
Sakina Shabnam
Salacia Shafaqat
Samara Shahnaz
Samye Shailaja
Saraid Shaima
Saturnina Shanti
Sawda Shikoba
Sayaka Sibel
Season Sidra
Sephora Silvana
Sequoia Siobhahn
Seraphina Sonnet
Serendipity Story

Common Baby Girl Names That Start With S

Here are some common girl names starting with S for your little one. Don’t judge the book by cover, these might contain a gem that you’ve been looking for all the while.

Sachiko Sawyer
Saina Shauna
Sherlee Sonya
Sadie Sonal
Scarlett Susie
Shylah Susy
Siara Sharpay
Silvestra Shekina
Silvia Syma
Samantha Sylvia
Samaira Sydney
Sally Sybil
Simone Saundra
Sergia Suzuko
Sandie Svetlana
Sandra Susann
Sarah Stefany
Sakti Stella
Savannah Stephanie
Sarita Sophey
Shaina Sophia
Shakira Sophie
Sasha Stacy
Shania Sakshi
Satya Sharon

Cool Baby Girl Names Starting With S

These cool girl names beginning with S will make your girl stand out. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dig in.

Sherry Suri
Shell Silja
Sade Simba
Scotty Seven
Scota Severine
Sahara Sevilla
Secret Sevyn
Sami Shada
Sand Shadow
Sande Shae
Sandy Sorcha
Sitara Spirit
Siu Spring
Siv Sutton
Sixta Suzetta
Siya Suzette
Skye Suzon
Skylar Star
Skyra Starisha
Slavica Starlight
Sloane Stash
Siria Staysha
Stacee Silence
Sekai September
Sela Santos

Beautiful Baby Girl Names With S

Do check out these beautiful girl names that begin with S. Their beautiful meanings and wonderful pronunciations amuse people when they hear them.

Sadaf Siovhan
Sadah Sirena
Sadako Simonetta
Sayward Simoni
Shemika Sindee
Shifra Sophrona
Sejal Symphony
Serene Signa
Sampriti Signe
Samira Sigourney
Sapphire Sigrun
Satin Sasheen
Satine Sashenka
Satoko Sashmir
Satu Sashya
Sherette Sasi
Shivonne Sassandra
Shizue Solange
Shizuka Sarie
Shizuko Sarisha
Shobi Shantella
Shoko Shanika
Sallyanne Sedef
Salvyia Seine
Salvatrix Sefarina

Cute and Pretty Baby Girl Names Begining With S

If nothing strikes, cute and pretty baby girl names come to the rescue. You can also use these names as nicknames.

Sayori Saryna
Saga Sascha
Scotia Serafine
Sana Serah
Serita Sanura
Saar Sany
Saba Sakai
Siena Seeley
Selena Seika
Selephia Seiko
Selia Seimone
Selima Sibylla
Selphie Sinnie
Sherle Sharae
Song Sharai
Sonita Sharay
Sonje Shardae
Sema Susana
Shana Sweet
Serra Sybel
Simi Sybill
Silke Sydel
Saro Sylva
Saroya Steffie
Sarrah Sudie

Powerful S Names for Girls

Looking for something bold? These powerful girl names starting with S sure know how to make a bold impression!

Salvatrice Shakti
Saoirse Sibyl
Saskia Sieglinde
Sati Sigrid
Savitri Socorro
Scathach Solveig
Scholastica Sostrate
Scout Storm
Sedna Svetla
Semiramis Swanhild

Old Fashioned Girl Names Starting with S

Dear parents of faith, you’ll love these names.

Sapphira Salome
Sherah Sarai
Shiphrah Shiloh
Shulammite Selah

Old Fashioned Names For Girls Starting With S

Who says vintage is out of style? These old fashioned names for girls are fresh as cumcumber.

Sallie Sula
Selma Susan
Shirley Susanna
Sophronia Sylvie

Southern Girl Names That Begin With S

These southern baby girl names will certainly please you. Find the suitable one for your little one.

Sailor Summer
Sarabeth Sunny

3 Letter Girl Names That Begin With Letter S

These three-letter girl names are as easy to learn as they as pronounced.

Sea San
See Sue

More Girl Names That Start With S

If you still haven’t found a suitable name for your little girl, don’t lose hope. We have plenty in the bucket!

Sheli Siriana
Sabbath Siroun
Sable Sitembile
Sabriel Sitka
Sabrin Sardinia
Sacajawea Shene
Scarlina Sherell
Sachi Sharan
Scharlene Sherhonda
Scheherazade Sherian
Schtem Sherica
Science Sheriel
Sadbh Socorra
Sadelle Soila
Shevaun Soleil
Shevone Solina
Sadira Sestina
Safa Sethe
Scala Setota
Scallywag Setsuka
Shir Seva
Seawillow Shala
Seble Shalamar
Sagit Shalita
Shirlina Stanislava
Secoya Shandel
Sahra Shanea
Sahri Shanecka
Saida Shanel
Secunda Shanelle
Sedell Shani
Shanae Sharman
Semele Sharmyn
Sedona Sharn
Shonna Surayya
Shoshana Sharonica
Shounda Sunel
Shulamith Sharri
Shuna Sharrona
Salali Sharronda
Salamah Sharseia
Samuela Shasta
Sibongile Shastina
Sidonia Shaula
Siham Savanha
Silei Shaune
Semiramide Shaunice
Salomi Shaunie
Salwa Shauntavia
Sama Shavaughn
Samala Shawn
Senalda Shawnacy
Senecca Shawndelle
Senga Shawni
Senua Shay
Senuna Shaylee
Seona Shayndel
Serena Shea
Sameh Shealy
Septima Sheba
Samia Sheelagh
Samicah Sheelah
Samieshia Sheilagh
Sinead Sydonia
Samma Sylena
Sammie Saxon
Sereia Sayda
Samta Saydee
Samularia Sayesti
Serenella Saylah
Seretha Saylor
Sericea Sylviana
Serleena Synda
Sertab Syona
Sanai Shantina
Sanchia Shantoya
Sancia Shany
Sancta Shaquise
Sinthia Shar
Siobhan Sharika
Siobhon Sharlan
Sioned Suelyn
Sandricka Suesan
Sandrine Suma
Sangmu Satyana
Sannah Sauda
Sanne Saule
Sanra Savarna
Sanrevelle Saveria
Sansa Savesti
Santina Sarahlynn
Shaelyn Sarala
Shafira Saraline
Shahar Saraly
Shahrazad Saramae
Shai Saranda
Saory Saray
Sapfo Saraya
Sapir Sarea
Sonora Sarelia
Sappho Sarena
Soon Sariah
Shameka Shannice
Sarabi Shanta
Saradora Shantai
Shantal Shamara

There you go – these are some amazing baby girl name starting with letter ‘S’. Go through this list as many times as you want and pick the best name for your little baby girl. Happy baby naming!

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