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Winamp Adds NFT Support

Winamp announced that they would allow users to play music NFTs in a simple and seamless manner. Winamp’s latest music version also allows users to link their Metamask wallet via Chrome, Firefox, and Brave browsers.

NFTs prove digital ownership and provide a tamperproof record of transactions involving a digital asset. In recent years, NFT enthusiasts have also begun exploring applications linking NFTs to other digital media like movies, music, tv shows, and real-world assets.

It currently supports the distribution of audio and video files with ERC-721and ERC-1155 standards. Winamp said that they would club the NFT support with other important upgrades in the future. Winamp’s player will bring together the scattered experiences into a single, great-sounding place. 

Winamp says its NFT support will be coupled with other updates to make.  Winamp a universal and advanced listening platform that will include a cross-platform creator service that will launch in early 2023.

There could soon be a lot of Polygon-based music NFTs to choose from as well.

The team behind the Ethereum scaling solution also announced on Dec. 7 that it had partnered with Warner Music and LGND Music to build a “collaborative, digital collectible” music platform.

The platform, dubbed LGND Music, is set to roll out in January 2023 and will provide users with a user-friendly on-ramp to buy and hodl music NFTs.

There’s still plenty here for legacy Winamp’s fans to like, and it’s nice to see that all the modernization work done in the 5.9 update is paying off in the form of faster updates. Among many other fixes, the new release includes a “memory footprint reduction.”.  The bandwidth increase for streamed music. Also an update to OpenSSL 3.0.5, and a few other updates for the underlying codecs and other software that Winamp uses to do its thing. As for the NFT support, Winamp developer Eddy Richman (who goes by the handle “DJ Egg” on the Winamp forums) wrote:
That people who don’t want it can remove it, either during the install process or after Winamp is installed.