What is an evangelist and how to become one

Updated April 25, 2024
5 min read
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An evangelist is a person who spreads the message of their faith. They do this by traveling from place to place, preaching the word of God without apology. They persuade people to repent their sins and ask God for forgiveness. Their role requires not just good public speaking skills but also a strong faith and a deep understanding of the Bible. They may also use technology like social media and websites to spread their message. They work to build relationships in communities, and they may also use their skills to train others or to manage and develop church programs. They are often driven by their faith, rather than by the desire for a high salary.

How long does it takes to become an evangelist?

It typically takes 6-8 years to become an evangelist:

  • Years 1-4: Obtaining a Master's degree in a relevant field, such as theology or religious studies.
  • Years 5-6: Accumulating the necessary work experience in preaching, teaching, and ministry.

Evangelist career paths

An evangelist can take a variety of career paths. Some of the most common paths include becoming a product manager, marketing manager, or marketing director. Others may choose to become a director, development director, or even a president. Some may also choose to become a manager, sales manager, or account manager. Still, others may choose to become a property manager, communications manager, or communications director. Finally, a few may choose to become a vice president, chief information officer, or chief technology officer.

Key steps to become an evangelist

  1. Explore evangelist education requirements

    The educational requirements for an evangelist typically include a Master's degree, as indicated by the data showing that 74.66% of evangelists hold this level of education. While some evangelists may hold a Bachelor's degree (23.52% it is less common. A small percentage may also hold a Doctorate degree (0.61%). According to Leah Thomas Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care and Contextual Education at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, "In my students, I encourage the development of soft skills such as deep listening, empathy, authenticity, flexibility, integrity, trustworthiness, and a collaborative leadership style." These skills, she notes, are essential alongside ongoing spiritual formation, self and theological reflection, and care of one's physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual aspects.

    Most common evangelist degrees


    58.5 %


    17.9 %


    9.6 %
  2. Start to develop specific evangelist skills

    Evangelists often develop innovative programs and build critical support for their cause. They perform market analysis, recruit talented staff, and manage social media presence. They also implement technology solutions that meet customer needs, create content, and engage with the developer community. Additionally, evangelists use their communication and presentation skills to deliver persuasive presentations and coordinate distribution of materials. They work with customers and developers to identify market trends and document requirements for product management.

  3. Complete relevant evangelist training and internships

    Accountants spend an average of 3-6 months on post-employment, on-the-job training. New evangelists learn the skills and techniques required for their job and employer during this time. The chart below shows how long it takes to gain competency as an evangelist based on U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data and data from real evangelist resumes.
  4. Research evangelist duties and responsibilities

    An evangelist's responsibilities include developing innovative church programs, building critical mass support, researching social media analytics, and performing market and competitive analysis. They also do weddings, funerals, and pastoral care for local churches. As Rev. Elliott Anderson, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Judson University, puts it, "We must return to men and women of faith who are exceptional listeners with steady eye contact, nonverbal acceptance, open posture, warm and welcoming smiles, and sincere holistic empathy."

    • Lead Jr and Sr high youth ministries.
    • Manage SEO for websites, social media profiles, and online content.
    • Manage SEO and marketing strategy, execution, agency, and vendor relationships.
    • Lead the largest VBS program and confirmation class ever, with aggressive marketing, recruiting, and coaching.
  5. Prepare your evangelist resume

    When your background is strong enough, you can start writing your evangelist resume.

    You can use Zippia's AI resume builder to make the resume writing process easier while also making sure that you include key information that hiring managers expect to see on an evangelist resume. You'll find resume tips and examples of skills, responsibilities, and summaries, all provided by Zippi, your career sidekick.

    Choose From 10+ Customizable Evangelist Resume templates

    Build a professional Evangelist resume in minutes. Browse through our resume examples to identify the best way to word your resume. Then choose from 10+ resume templates to create your Evangelist resume.
    Evangelist Resume
    Evangelist Resume
    Evangelist Resume
    Evangelist Resume
    Evangelist Resume
    Evangelist Resume
    Evangelist Resume
    Evangelist Resume
    Evangelist Resume
  6. Apply for evangelist jobs

    Now it's time to start searching for an evangelist job. Consider the tips below for a successful job search:

    1. Browse job boards for relevant postings
    2. Consult your professional network
    3. Reach out to companies you're interested in working for directly
    4. Watch out for job scams

Are you an Evangelist?

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Average evangelist salary

The average Evangelist salary in the United States is $50,297 per year or $24 per hour. Evangelist salaries range between $26,000 and $96,000 per year.

Average Evangelist Salary
$50,297 Yearly
$24.18 hourly

What Am I Worth?


How do evangelists rate their job?


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Evangelist reviews

A zippia user wrote a review on Oct 2021

Educating unbelievers, Soul winning and people communicating directly to God through Jesus Christ


Castigation, arguement and condemnation

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Updated April 25, 2024

Zippia Research Team
Zippia Team

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

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