Confucian filial piety or Hsiao is a Confucian virtue, one of the primary virtues of a Chun-Tzu or perfect gentleman. It is loving one's family, friends, neighbors, and mankind in general. It must be stated Hsiao does cross over with Chung or loyalty to the state, but there is a slight difference and this must be observed.


  1. When reading one must remember the context, Confucius wrote in the 6th century BC, when China faced major internal strife from various warring factions, this time is known as the six warring kingdoms period. Confucius wished to return to the golden age under the Chou dynasty when China was moral and united, tranquil and peaceful.
  2. The five bonds are the five types of love/respect in Confucianism, similar to the four types of love in Abrahamic religions. Consistency and uprightness are extremely important in Confucianism, if you can't follow all of them, find another ideology.
  3. Confucius says that as a gentleman or Lady, one must show respect/love even if this is not reciprocated though he does state that you should not go near these people once you have discovered their true nature. Note: You do not treat these people any differently, rather you do not associate with them, though there are some exceptions.
  4. For ruler and ruled you must embrace the mandate of heaven. Accept that so long as a ruler is competent and virtuous he has a mandate from heaven to rule and therefore it goes against the highest order to overthrow a virtuous ruler. If he is bad though, he has lost the mandate and can be overthrown.

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Updated: July 17, 2023
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