Welcome to The Leverets Nest – a supportive place bringing the Law of Attraction and Positive Journalling together, especially for animal lovers.

Where you sit down for 15m every day and write a page of blessings in a notebook.

… or some days you don’t!

It sounds so simple, yet you’d be amazed by how hard it actually is!

If you’ve ever struggled to fill a page, think you’re wasting your time, or wonder if what you’re writing is actually benefitting you, then you’ve come to the right place.


I’ve been doing this every single day since 2012 so I know what works and what doesn’t. And big hint – it’s easier than you think.

I’m here to help you.

I’ll help your words flow effortlessly from your pen until the whole page is filled. And for you to feel your heart glow with a loving warmth. And to be finished in no time at all. 

And then to do it all again the next day without getting bored, frustrated or blaming yourself.

Let me show you how to do Gratitude Journalling easily and effectively – every time!


What is gratitude journalling? 

It’s any type of writing that includes giving appreciation, counting your blessings, feeling gracious, being thankful and feeling gratitude for anything at all – past, present or future. It is a very powerful way to center yourself and become truly present. And it makes you feel – happy.

And the benefits? – well you’ll see things line up for you time and time again. Things as small as a free parking spot exactly where you wanted it, and as big as an unexpected tax return, even your dream job, and that dream car. Life just starts to get easier, the weight is lifted off your shoulders and your energy and focus go where it matters most. When you start giving gratitude every day it really does create miracles in your life.

In the last 10 years I’ve had incredible things happen (met my rescue rabbit furbaby Starbright, dream job twice, dream car).

And I’d love to help you!

I’ll teach you the basics, plus all the nuances about gratitude journalling. I’ll guide, encourage and support you on every page no matter where you are in your gratitude journalling journey. 

And this also includes using affirmations, removing limiting beliefs, how to feel better about any subject – especially those you feel bad about, centering yourself on a daily basis to maintain your alignment and balance, short powerful meditations and how to trust your Divine Guidance. 


BONUS Newsletter Subscriber – Try it now – Become a Savvy Little Leveret! and start creating miracles tonight with – ‘A HANDFUL of HEARTFELT THANKS’    FREE Bonus!  SIGN UP HERE


Everything you need is in my Coming Soon! Guided Gratitude Journal. Center yourself, be present and see incredible things happen for you. 

In the meantime SIGN UP for my weekly newsletter of tips and encouragement and support

and go here for tips and techniques you can use straight away    –>Start here<–

Curious about the cute hares? They’re on a Mission – Shop Here)

*all Testimonials taken from my etsy store

What’s a leveret? I hear you ask – why! a baby hare!