toss away

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.toss away - throw or cast awaytoss away - throw or cast away; "Put away your worries"
unlearn - discard something previously learnt, like an old habit
deep-six, give it the deep six - toss out; get rid of; "deep-six these old souvenirs!"
jettison - throw away, of something encumbering
junk, scrap, trash - dispose of (something useless or old); "trash these old chairs"; "junk an old car"; "scrap your old computer"
waste - get rid of; "We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer"
get rid of, remove - dispose of; "Get rid of these old shoes!"; "The company got rid of all the dead wood"
dump - throw away as refuse; "No dumping in these woods!"
retire - dispose of (something no longer useful or needed); "She finally retired that old coat"
abandon - forsake, leave behind; "We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot"
liquidize, sell out, sell up - get rid of all one's merchandise
de-access - dispose of by selling; "the museum sold off its collection of French impressionists to raise money"; "the publishing house sold off one of its popular magazines"
close out - terminate by selling off or disposing of; "He closed out his line of sports cars"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
The Over 60s seconds were also rewarded with an afternoon in the hot sun after losing the toss away to Suffolk in Ipswich.
Summary: When smokers toss away cigarette butts onto street pavements or out into the open landscape, little do they know how much damage that can in...
Americans toss away almost 150,000 tons of food a day, about 30 percent of what the average person eats daily, researchers say.
While rivals Spurs appear to be doing their best to avoid another dose of the Thursday night roadshow, Koeman has warned his players not to toss away their European dream.
Dogs such as Sasha are not instruments of war and are not ours to use and toss away like empty ammunition shells.
Sightings of foxes will increase if the food supply is 'more exposed' such as on Saturday nights when revellers casually toss away food.
This would be true if you were to just toss away the conventional definitions of "democracy" and "extremism" and make up your own.
According to The Sun, Wenger is desperate to avoid another reckless performance like Saturday, which saw his team toss away a two-goal lead.