61 – The meek and lowly Lamb of God

61 – The meek and lowly Lamb of God

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. [29] Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. [30] For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30 KJV

Meekness is a divine virtue easily misunderstood and associated with weakness. It is something that a lot of individuals seek after, but also despise at the same time in a man. This is because it is an attribute so contrary to all man is, that it takes only divine intervention to develop. It is a fruit of the Spirit, which means, it requires a careful nurturing of the seed of the Spirit (the word of God in us) to develop. Meekness is an attribute that God rewards with the greatest honor. Isaiah 66:1-2 says that a lowly and broken spirit is where God chooses to dwell, in all the earth.1 Peter 3:3-4 shows that a meek and quiet spirit is of a great price to God. Jesus said that those who are meek will inherit the earth and those who are lowly will inherit the Kingdom of heaven, Matthew 5:1-6.

Considering the worth of this virtue, what then is meekness? It is not casting your head down and walking in a dejected state, neither is it shyness nor trying to avoid the limelight because of a desire to stay hidden and away from the view of men. It is simply having a true evaluation of oneself from God’s perspective. Moses was considered the meekest man alive, Numbers 12:3, yet considering that he was a prince of Egypt, a man through whom God destroyed Egypt and one of the greatest Israelites that lived, there was nothing weak about this man. His meekness was not displayed when he argued with God that he could not speak to Pharoah because of a disability, Exodus 4:10-14. It was shown throughout the scriptures and especially in relation to his people. In Numbers 11:29. He did not count his relationship with God something to be held unto by himself, but he rightfully believed and said that it was God’s will that all Israel be prophets.

Christ is our true example of One who embodies meekness. Philippians 2:3-10 says that though Christ is completely God, He did not count this equality with God as something He could not lay down. Not only did He lay it down, but He also opened up this opportunity to all who will receive it. To as many as believed, He gave the right to be sons of God, John 1:12. He called us brethren, Hebrews 2:11-12, however, this did not take away His declaration as the Son of God. Christ had a true evaluation of who God was and who He was, a first begotten son, sent to raise other sons who will also share in His inheritance because it pleased the Father. His meekness showed when He clearly said He did not seek honor or glory from men because it was God who could really glorify a person, John 5:41-44. This glory was that He would fully embody God. It was this nature that made the Jews despise Him. He claimed to be the Son of God, which they desperately needed, but He did not carry Himself as such, according to their perspective. He was so ‘ordinary’ from their eyes that when they came to arrest Him in the garden, they could not tell who He was among His disciples, John 18:4-8.

The beauty of meekness is that it frees man to be nothing and frees God to be all in all. A meek man is fully aware of His nothingness without God and like Christ, he boldly declares, “I can of My own self do nothing”. He is one that despises both the shame and honour of men. His eyes are fixed on the glorification that only God can give. He has a clear evaluation of himself, his brethren, and his God. In himself, he sees one who was a sinner saved by grace and so serves God with whatever giftings He gives without claiming any as his own. In His brethren, He sees God’s choice and the very Master whom He loves in them. This makes him a genuine servant of all men for God’s sake. It also allows him to esteem his brethren worthy of the service that he would render to Christ. As he gets a deeper revelation of God, his response is worship. This revelation only fuels his understanding of himself and his need for God and also increases his admiration for His brethren, Christ’s brethren.

Final thoughts: Regardless of how humanly impossible it is for one to display this virtue, the good news and the truth is that as Christ is in the heavens, so are we His Children on earth. This virtue has been given to us and is innate in us because Christ lives in us. We were never meant to struggle to be humble. As we come to the lover of our soul, sit at His feet and learn of Him, we become like Him. By simply looking at His face (the knowledge of His glory), via His word regularly, we see who He is and who we are in Him. This true knowledge has in itself, the power to change our moral and mortal weaknesses to become like our meek and lowly King of Kings.

Prayer for today: Lord Jesus thank you for not only coming down to save me and pulling me to Yourself but also creating a way for me to be exactly like You and with You forever. Lord, I see in You a humility that is so beautiful and I desire that You will declare of me as one of the meekest persons alive. Lord clothe me with the pure humility You have that frees me to be nothing and You to be all in all! Amen

Blessings Beloved 👋
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