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Animal health-1
UNIT-4 : Parasitology
What is parasitology ??
• The branch of science which deals with the multidisciplinary aspects of
biochemistry, physiology, biology, immunology etc. of parasite is called as
• The applied part of this discipline explores a detailed profile of parasite
morphology, pathogenesis and control regime as well
• An organism which lives in or on other organism and get shelter and
nourishment is considered as parasite.
Terminologies related to Parasitology
• Parasite: An organism which lives in or on other organism and get shelter and
• Erratic Parasite Parasite which is found in the organ other than its normal organ.
• Accidental parasite: Parasite which is found in the host other than normal host.
• Permanent parasite: Parasite which is found in the host throughout the life
• Temporary parasite: Parasite which is found in the host in some of the part of
• Hyperparasites: Parasite of parasites
• Parasitism: A form of symbiosis in which one organism (called parasite) benefits
at the expense of another organism usually of different species (called host).
Terminologies related to Parasitology
Paratenic/ Transport host: These are second or third intermediate host in
which the parasite remain encysted without further development and these
are ingested by definitive host to give the infection
Facultative parasite: One which has both option either to live in the host or
as free life
Obligatory parasite: One which cannot live without host
Endoparasite: Parasite which is found within the body.
Ectoparasite: Parasite which found on the body.
Reservoir host: Usually a natural host, but host does not get infected from
parasite but it is a source of infection for other host.
Vector: An arthropod or any other invertebrate which transmit disease
from one animal to another.
Carrier: An animal/ person who harbors and excretes parasites.
Direct Life Cycle: Life cycle, in which no involvement of intermediate host.
Indirect life cycle: Life cycle, in which there is involvement of intermediate
Helminthes are divided three distinct taxonomic
• Nematodes (commonly known as roundworms)
under Phylum Nemathelminthes
• Cestodes (commonly known as tapeworms) and
Trematodes (commonly known as flukes) under
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Characteristics of Cestodes
• They are called tapeworm
• They have tape like body, segmented body
• They are hermaphrodite or monoecious (protandric )
• Intestinal parasites of Human and Other vertebrates
• They don’t have body cavity and alimentary canal
• Head or Scolex have suckers ( Sucking nutrients from the
host tissue) and (sometimes with hooks) serves as organ
for attachment
• There are three region in an adult worm i.e.
- Head : Scolex
- Neck ( Contains germinal cells that budding proglottids)
- Strobila ( Trunk or body ) Consists segments called
Class Cestoda
Order Pseudophyllidea
Ex: Diphyllobothrium latum ( Fish tapeworm): Cause
pernicious anemia.
Order Cyclophyllidea
Ex: Tapeworm of human and vertebrates:
Beef Tapeworm: Taenia saginata
Pork Tapeworm: Taenia solium
Characteristics of Trematodes
• These are also called flukes
• They have Dorso-ventrally flattened leaf like body ( unsegmented )
• They don't have body cavity and body is covered by cuticle
• Have suckers, hooks or clamps for attachment to the host ( Ventral and oral
• Digestive system includes mouth and alimentary tract but no anus (blind
alimentary tract). Mouth leads into pharynx and intestine. Intestine divides
into 2 branches, which may branch themselves.
• Excretory system has flame cells, which discharges into an excretory
• Respiratory and circulatory systems absent
• Reproductive system hermaphrodite except Family Schistosoma ( Blood
• One Trematode egg may produce many individuals unlike Nematoda. This
multiplicative reproductive ability is called Polyembryony. Egg are
operculated except schistosoma
• Ex: Fasciola hepatica ( Liver fluke); Paragonimus westermani ( Lung fluke);
Paramphistomum cervi ( Rumen fluke)
Characteristics of Nematodes
 They are free-living or parasitic
 They are cylindrical and elongated, unsegmented body
 Body is covered with cuticle which is continuous with cuticular lining of
buccal cavity, alimentary tract and distal portion of genital tract
 Internal organs are suspended in body cavity
 Completed Digestive system is present consist of tubular-mouth (buccal
capsule), esophagus, intestine, anus (cloaca).
 Excretory system contains unbranched vessels (canal) which is opened by
a ventral pore.
 Nervous system consists of a number of ganglias connected by fibers
(nerve ring), which surrounds esophagus.
 Sexes are usually separate. Male organs- single testis, a vas deferens, a
seminal vesicle, spicules, ejaculatory duct and cloaca. Female- two
ovaries, two uteri, and vulva.
 Life cycle generally consists of egg, L1, L2, L3, L4 and adult stage. Larval
stages pass through 4 moulting to become adult. Life cycle may be direct
or indirect.
Types of Nematodes
• Intestinal Nematodes: Ascaris lumbricoides ;
Ancyclostoma duodenale; Necator
americanus etc.
• Tissue nematodes
- Lymphatics: Wuchereria bancrofti
- Cutaneous filaria: Dracunculus medinensis
Important parasites of Trematodes
Fasciola ( Common liver fluke or Sheep liver fluke)
These parasites are of great economic constraint in
the livestock industry causing great economic loss
as a result of significant loss of production and
Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica are
common species under the genus Fasciola.
These flukes are flattened. The shape may be either
broad or elongated leaf like.
The cuticle is spiny.
The size is widely variable.
The color is grey, dark grey or grayish brown
Two suckers are present, oral and ventral. The
ventral sucker is present at the level of the
Branched intestine is present.
The eggs are typical. These are oval and yellowish
in color. At one side there is presence of an
Hosts: Cattle, sheep, goat and other ruminants.
Elephant, horse, pig, dog and cat are affected by
the parasites.
Site: Bile duct and liver
Disease: Fasciolosis, Liver fluke disease
Life Cycle
Definitive host- Cattle, goat, sheep and other
Intermediate Host- Lymnaea truncatula,
L.auricularis, L.bulimoides, L.rufescenos etc
Development Stages: Egg - Miracidium -Sporocyst - Redia –
Cercaria - Metacercaria ( Infective stage) - Adult
NOTE: It takes around 3 month to become adult from
metacercaria and an average female gives 25000 eggs per
Clinical Signs:
In acute phase:
Clinical signs in acute stage occurs due to migrating fluke in
the liver. The sheep dies suddenly due to migrating fluke in
the liver exhibiting the clinical signs like anthrax.
In chronic phase
- Anemia and paleness of mucus membrane occur.
- The animal refuses to take food and water and becomes
- Constipation and Diarrhea occur.
- The constipation is the characteristic clinical feature.
- Fecal examination is traditional diagnostic way for
- Examination of fecal sample reveals the presence of
eggs of fasciola spp.
- The eggs of the Fasciola are oval in outline and
- Color of the eggs is yellowish.
- Enzyme estimation- Enzyme estimation ( Glutamate
dehydrogenase and Glutamyl transpeptidase ) is the
indicative step for Diagnosis of the disease Elevation of
level of these enzymes is the indication of fasciolosis.
- Complement Fixation Test (CFT)
Treatment and Control
- The following drugs are used to treat against Fasiola spp: Oxyclozanide,
Triclabendazole, Bithionol, Hexachlorethane, Nitroxynil
Control: The following control measures may be taken:
1. Treatment of the animal by using appropriate anthelminthics.
2. The animal should not be allowed to graze in the field of low land areas where
water reservoir like river, pond, lake are present.
3. Water reservoir should be fenced off.
4. Faces should be disposed properly.
5. The grasses in the form of hay or silage should be provided
6. Underground water should be provided for drinking .
7. Control of intermediate host ( mollusca) is done by use of molluscidal agent like
copper sulphate solution and N-Tritylmorpholine in spring and mid summer.
8. Vaccination is a recent trend for control.
These are thick fleshy amphistomes occurring in the rumen
and reticulum of the ruminants.
The fluke is thick and fleshy and are called conical flukes
The shape of the fluke is indicative of identification.
The dorsal surface is convex and the ventral surface is concave
Two suckers are present at two ends
Testes are at tandem and situated anterior to ovary
The flukes are pink to red in color and the shape is
comparable to the food prepared from rice
Host- Cattle, sheep, goats and other ruminants
Site- Rumen, reticulum, small intestine
• Developmental stages: Egg - Miracidium –
Sporocyst - Redia – Cercaria - Metacercaria
( Infective stage) - Adult
Clinical signs:
 The animals exhibit the disease symptoms at the
onset of monsoon
 Several abdominal pains due to plug feeding is
caused by the immature amphistome
 Profuse fluid Diarrhea occurs
 The affected animals show increased thirst which
is due to loss of large amount of body fluid through
 The affected animals may die
• Fecal examination is traditional diagnostic way for
• One thing is to be kept in mind that negative
finding of eggs in the feces doesn't indicate
absence of amphistomosis. Because when clinical
signs occur in the animals due to amphistomosis it
means the immature amphistomes are causing
damage at that time.
• In positive cases, the pink colored immature flukes
are found in the foetid Diarrhea.
Treatment and Control
• Paramphistomiasis is considered a neglected
tropical disease, with no prescription drug
for treatment and control.
Thus management of infection is based mainly
on control of the snail population. Drugs
shown to be effective are resorantel,
oxyclozanide, clorsulon, niclosamide, bithional
and levamisole.
Important parasites of Cestodes
These are cosmopolitan distributed medium to
large-sized tape worms inhabiting the small
intestine of the sheep, goat and cattle
The tape worms are of less pathogenic significance
However, large number of the Cestodes may cause
some amount of pathogenicity
M. expansa M.benedeni
Common name: Double-pored tape worm
Hosts- Sheep, goat and cattle
Predilection Site- Small intestine
• The head is almost round.
• There are four suckers.
• The rostellum is absent
• The segments are broad
• Two sets of reproductive organs are present
• The shape of eggs of M. expansa is triangular
and of M. benedeni is square.
• Definite host: Ruminants
• Intermediate host : Mites of family Oribatids
Su:Suckers ; SC: Scolex ; N : Neck ; IP : Interproglottids glands ; T : testes; VA; vitelline
gland; GA : Genital atrium
Life cycle:
Developmental stages: Eggs - Oncosphere – Cysticercoids (
infective stage) in the intermediate host - Adults
Clinical signs:
- Low level of infection fails to produce any significant damage
to the hosts
- High level of infection causes Diarrhea
- General weakness
- anemia, Watery diarrhea , GI disturbance
-Fecal examination
- clinical signs
Praziquantel, Albendazole, Niclosomide, Fenbendazole,
Taenia solium ( Pork tapeworm)
• They have tape like body, segmented body
• They are hermaphrodite or monoecious
• Intestinal parasites of Human and Other vertebrates
• They don’t have body cavity and alimentary canal
• Head or Scolex have suckers ( Sucking nutrients from the
host tissue) and (sometimes with hooks) serves as organ
for attachment
• There are three region in an adult worm i.e.
- Head : Scolex
- Neck ( Contains germinal cells that budding proglottids)
- Strobila ( Trunk or body ) Consists segments called
• 1. Fecal examination:
• CT scan and MRI to
find cysticerus in brain.
Treatment and Control
Important parasites of Nematode
Oesophagostomum: These are important bursate
nematodes inhabiting the large intestine of the
ruminants and non-ruminants
O.columbisnum ( Found in sheep, goat)
O. radiatum ( Found in cattle)
O. venulosum ( found in sheep and goat)
O. dentatum ( found in pig)
Common name- Nodular worm
Site-Large Intestine
Disease caused – Nodule disease, knotty gut disease
- In the head region a prominent cervical alae is present. The alae is
a protruding ridge that forms longitudinally on many nematodes.
Functions- cuticle strength, nematode movement or fat storage.
- Like other nematodes, it contains well developed multi- nucleate
digestive tract as well as reproductive system.
- At the anterior margin of the head a mouth collar is present.
- A ventral cervical groove is present at the lateral region of the
- They have club- shaped esophagus and buccal capsule
- Female are longer than male
- Hind end of female is pointed
- vagina ends in a kidney shaped pars ejectrix which is considered to
be a silent morphological feature of this parasite.
Cervical alae Nodules
Development stages: Egg - Larva 1 - Larva 2 -Larva 3
( Infective) - Larva 4 - Adult
Clinical signs:
 The animals exhibit the clinical signs of persistent
Diarrhea which is considered to be a differential
diagnostic feature of the infection as the color of
diarrheic faeces is specific (dark green).
 The animals become dehydrated and debilitated.
 Anemic is caused due to hypo nutritive condition
 Young animals may die due to severe Diarrhea.
• These are small wire worms found in the
abomasums of sheep, goat and cattle
• They are voracious blood sucker worms and
cause unaccounted mortality and significant loss
of productivity
Species: H. contortus, H. placei, H. similes,
H.bubalis, H. longistipes
Site- Abomasum
Common name- Stomach worm, wire worm or
barber's pole worm
• The worms are small, grey or reddish in color. As
the worms are blood suckers, the color of the
parasite is reddish or grey due to digestion of the
• Anteriorly there is a presence of prominent
cervical papillae which is easily discernible
(detectable) .
• Red intestine is surrounded by the white ovary
giving the appearance of barber's pole
• The terminal part of female worm is sharply
Developmental stages: Egg - Larva 1 - Larva 2 - Larva 3 (
Infective stage ) - Larva 4 - Adult
Edema in the submandibular region
-Faecal examination shows presence of eggs
- Coproculture technique for further confirmation by
identification of the larvae
- Clinical signs
- FAMACHA guide (guide to assess anemia
- Immunodiagnostic by immunodominant defined
• Treatment: Fenbendazole, Albendazole,
Mebendazole, Thiabendazole, Oxfenbendazole
• Control :
- Treatment of affected animals
- Regular Deworming
- Restriction of animals from grazing on the infected
pasture. Alternate grazing can be practiced
- Silage can be used as feed.
- Biological control of nematode by Spraying of urea
solution to kill the larvae
- vaccination
External Parasites/ Ectoparasites
• Ectoparasites live on the skin or hair for shelter and
• Common Ectoparasites are: 1. Lice 2. Fleas 3. Flies 4.
Tick 5. Mite 6. Mosquito
1. Lice ( Haematopinus suis )
- They are dorso ventrally flattened, wingless insects
and divided into two suborder: Mallophaga and
- Body is divided into three parts: Head , Thorax and
- Mallophaga are biting lice The entire life cycle is spent
on the host
- The transmission is through body contact
• The eggs hatch within 1-2 weeks to produce
• They feed repeatedly and molt several times to
became adult
• Heavy infection cause irritation and loss of
productivity in poultry.
• Anoplura are sucking lice where the mouth parts
are adapted for piercing host skin and suck blood.
Anoplura do not occurs in the birds. They are also
host specific and life cycle is same as that of
Mallophaga. Heavy infection can accumulate on
livestock leading to anemia, biting stress and
• Control of Lice: Wide variety of insecticides and
good management system. The insecticides like
Lindane, Malathion etc. can be applied through
dips, sprays, pour-on methods.
2. Fleas ( Order- Aphaniptera )
 Fleas are laterally flattened ectoparasites of
animals and birds.
 They bear piercing and sucking mouth parts and
undergo complete metamorphosis.
 They are not rigidly host specific.
 The female lay very small ovoid eggs on the hairs.
 The eggs fall on the ground and hatch into larvae
which are not parasitic.
 They undergo 2-3 molts, Life cycle is complete in 3
Control of Fleas:
Same as lice. Flea larvae should be destroyed by
spraying on the bed, cages and floor of the house.
3. Flies ( Order- Diptera): They are true flies,
with only one pair of wing and the last pair of
wing is modified into small balancing organs.
The life cycle comprises egg, larva, pupa and
adult. The midges, sand flies, buffalo gnats,
louse flies, mosquitoes comes under flies.
Control of Flies:
It varies for different families. The use of
insecticide like synthetic pyrethroids as spray,
pour-on or ear tag application may be useful
for control.
• Most of the mites are free living
• Parasitic mites are most frequently ectoparasites
of skin and feathers but few are tissue invaders
• The morphological features are similar to those
of ticks
• During metamorphosis mites usually pass
through 4 stages; egg, larva, nymph and adult.
Control of Mites:
 The intradermal mites Sarcoptidae and
Demodicidae are susceptible to a wide variety
of acaricides.
 Systematic treatment such as an Ivermectin
injection may be helpful.
 Sarcoptic mange in herds of cattle can be
controlled by spraying conventional
 Repeat spraying after 1-2 weeks is necessary.
The ticks differ from the mites by:
- their larger size,
- leathery skin
- The presence of a pair of spiracles behind the coxae of
the third or fourth pair of legs.
- The ticks are dorsoventrally flattened containing head
or capitulum and fused thorax and abdomen called
- The life cycle comprises egg, larvae, nymph and adult.
There are two types of ticks:
1) Hard Ticks and
2) Soft Ticks
Difference Between Hard tick and Soft Tick
Ticks injure their hosts mainly by
1) sucking blood
2) irritation on bites
3. Serving as vector of bacterial, rickettsial, viral and
protozoal diseases
4) producing tick paralysis
Control of Ticks
1. DDT, BHC are no longer used because of the
development of resistance by the ticks and their
varying toxicity. Now days, the synthetic pyrethroids
and organ phosphorous acaricides are widely used as
dip, spray, pour-on, ear tag etc.
2. Ivermectin injection is also available for the
control of ticks and wide variety of parasites.
• They have 2 pairs of wings, but their second pairs of
wings are reduced to short, peg like structure called
• They have thin, long bodies, and three pairs of
extremely long legs
• They have feathery or hairy antennae
• They have scales along the veins of their wings and
long beak – like sharp sucking mouth part called a
proboscis. ( Distinguish feather)
Common protozoa and their
• Protozoa are non- phototrophic, unicellular,
eukaryotic microorganisms with no cell wall,
no nucleus and no distinct organelles
• Amoebiasis: Amoebiasis is a gastrointestinal
disease ( causes dysentery) caused by Entamoeba
histolytica . Locomotory organ – Pseudopodia
• Flagellates: They have flagella as their locomotory
organ . Example- Euglena
• Ciliates: They have cilia over their surface as
locomotory organ. Ex: Paramecium
• Sporozoa: They lack locomotory organ. Ex:
Plasmodium , Coccidia
• Obligate intracellular parasites
• Spore forming parasites, it’s spore like cell called
Chicken coccidia and their sites
Eimeria Species Region of infection
E. necatrix Upper jejunum
E. maxima Middle ileum/ Meckel ‘s diverticulum
E. brunetti Lower small intestine, basis of caecum and
E. tenella Ceca known as caecal coccidiosis
E. acervulina Duodenal loop
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  • 2. What is parasitology ?? • The branch of science which deals with the multidisciplinary aspects of biochemistry, physiology, biology, immunology etc. of parasite is called as Parasitology • The applied part of this discipline explores a detailed profile of parasite morphology, pathogenesis and control regime as well • An organism which lives in or on other organism and get shelter and nourishment is considered as parasite.
  • 3. Terminologies related to Parasitology • Parasite: An organism which lives in or on other organism and get shelter and nourishment. • Erratic Parasite Parasite which is found in the organ other than its normal organ. • Accidental parasite: Parasite which is found in the host other than normal host. • Permanent parasite: Parasite which is found in the host throughout the life cycle. • Temporary parasite: Parasite which is found in the host in some of the part of lifecycle. • Hyperparasites: Parasite of parasites • Parasitism: A form of symbiosis in which one organism (called parasite) benefits at the expense of another organism usually of different species (called host).
  • 4. Terminologies related to Parasitology Paratenic/ Transport host: These are second or third intermediate host in which the parasite remain encysted without further development and these are ingested by definitive host to give the infection Facultative parasite: One which has both option either to live in the host or as free life Obligatory parasite: One which cannot live without host Endoparasite: Parasite which is found within the body. Ectoparasite: Parasite which found on the body. Reservoir host: Usually a natural host, but host does not get infected from parasite but it is a source of infection for other host. Vector: An arthropod or any other invertebrate which transmit disease from one animal to another. Carrier: An animal/ person who harbors and excretes parasites. Direct Life Cycle: Life cycle, in which no involvement of intermediate host. Indirect life cycle: Life cycle, in which there is involvement of intermediate host.
  • 5. Helminthes Helminthes are divided three distinct taxonomic groups: • Nematodes (commonly known as roundworms) under Phylum Nemathelminthes • Cestodes (commonly known as tapeworms) and Trematodes (commonly known as flukes) under Phylum Platyhelminthes
  • 7. Characteristics of Cestodes • They are called tapeworm • They have tape like body, segmented body • They are hermaphrodite or monoecious (protandric ) • Intestinal parasites of Human and Other vertebrates • They don’t have body cavity and alimentary canal (Tegument) • Head or Scolex have suckers ( Sucking nutrients from the host tissue) and (sometimes with hooks) serves as organ for attachment • There are three region in an adult worm i.e. - Head : Scolex - Neck ( Contains germinal cells that budding proglottids) - Strobila ( Trunk or body ) Consists segments called Proglotids.
  • 8. Class Cestoda Order Pseudophyllidea Ex: Diphyllobothrium latum ( Fish tapeworm): Cause pernicious anemia. Order Cyclophyllidea Ex: Tapeworm of human and vertebrates: Beef Tapeworm: Taenia saginata Pork Tapeworm: Taenia solium
  • 9.
  • 11. Characteristics of Trematodes • These are also called flukes • They have Dorso-ventrally flattened leaf like body ( unsegmented ) • They don't have body cavity and body is covered by cuticle • Have suckers, hooks or clamps for attachment to the host ( Ventral and oral suckers) • Digestive system includes mouth and alimentary tract but no anus (blind alimentary tract). Mouth leads into pharynx and intestine. Intestine divides into 2 branches, which may branch themselves. • Excretory system has flame cells, which discharges into an excretory bladder. • Respiratory and circulatory systems absent • Reproductive system hermaphrodite except Family Schistosoma ( Blood fluke) • One Trematode egg may produce many individuals unlike Nematoda. This multiplicative reproductive ability is called Polyembryony. Egg are operculated except schistosoma • Ex: Fasciola hepatica ( Liver fluke); Paragonimus westermani ( Lung fluke); Paramphistomum cervi ( Rumen fluke)
  • 12.
  • 13. Characteristics of Nematodes  They are free-living or parasitic  They are cylindrical and elongated, unsegmented body  Body is covered with cuticle which is continuous with cuticular lining of buccal cavity, alimentary tract and distal portion of genital tract  Internal organs are suspended in body cavity  Completed Digestive system is present consist of tubular-mouth (buccal capsule), esophagus, intestine, anus (cloaca).  Excretory system contains unbranched vessels (canal) which is opened by a ventral pore.  Nervous system consists of a number of ganglias connected by fibers (nerve ring), which surrounds esophagus.  Sexes are usually separate. Male organs- single testis, a vas deferens, a seminal vesicle, spicules, ejaculatory duct and cloaca. Female- two ovaries, two uteri, and vulva.  Life cycle generally consists of egg, L1, L2, L3, L4 and adult stage. Larval stages pass through 4 moulting to become adult. Life cycle may be direct or indirect.
  • 14. Types of Nematodes • Intestinal Nematodes: Ascaris lumbricoides ; Ancyclostoma duodenale; Necator americanus etc. • Tissue nematodes - Lymphatics: Wuchereria bancrofti - Cutaneous filaria: Dracunculus medinensis
  • 15. Important parasites of Trematodes Fasciola ( Common liver fluke or Sheep liver fluke) These parasites are of great economic constraint in the livestock industry causing great economic loss as a result of significant loss of production and mortality Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica are common species under the genus Fasciola.
  • 16. Morphology: These flukes are flattened. The shape may be either broad or elongated leaf like. The cuticle is spiny. The size is widely variable. The color is grey, dark grey or grayish brown Two suckers are present, oral and ventral. The ventral sucker is present at the level of the shoulder. Branched intestine is present. The eggs are typical. These are oval and yellowish in color. At one side there is presence of an operculum.
  • 17.
  • 18. Hosts: Cattle, sheep, goat and other ruminants. Elephant, horse, pig, dog and cat are affected by the parasites. Site: Bile duct and liver Disease: Fasciolosis, Liver fluke disease Life Cycle Definitive host- Cattle, goat, sheep and other ruminants. Intermediate Host- Lymnaea truncatula, L.auricularis, L.bulimoides, L.rufescenos etc
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  • 21. Development Stages: Egg - Miracidium -Sporocyst - Redia – Cercaria - Metacercaria ( Infective stage) - Adult NOTE: It takes around 3 month to become adult from metacercaria and an average female gives 25000 eggs per day. Clinical Signs: In acute phase: Clinical signs in acute stage occurs due to migrating fluke in the liver. The sheep dies suddenly due to migrating fluke in the liver exhibiting the clinical signs like anthrax. In chronic phase - Anemia and paleness of mucus membrane occur. - The animal refuses to take food and water and becomes cachexic - Constipation and Diarrhea occur. - The constipation is the characteristic clinical feature.
  • 22. Diagnosis: - Fecal examination is traditional diagnostic way for fasciolosis. - Examination of fecal sample reveals the presence of eggs of fasciola spp. - The eggs of the Fasciola are oval in outline and operculated. - Color of the eggs is yellowish. - Enzyme estimation- Enzyme estimation ( Glutamate dehydrogenase and Glutamyl transpeptidase ) is the indicative step for Diagnosis of the disease Elevation of level of these enzymes is the indication of fasciolosis. - Complement Fixation Test (CFT) - ELISA
  • 23. Treatment and Control - The following drugs are used to treat against Fasiola spp: Oxyclozanide, Triclabendazole, Bithionol, Hexachlorethane, Nitroxynil Control: The following control measures may be taken: 1. Treatment of the animal by using appropriate anthelminthics. 2. The animal should not be allowed to graze in the field of low land areas where water reservoir like river, pond, lake are present. 3. Water reservoir should be fenced off. 4. Faces should be disposed properly. 5. The grasses in the form of hay or silage should be provided 6. Underground water should be provided for drinking . 7. Control of intermediate host ( mollusca) is done by use of molluscidal agent like copper sulphate solution and N-Tritylmorpholine in spring and mid summer. 8. Vaccination is a recent trend for control.
  • 24. Paramphistomum These are thick fleshy amphistomes occurring in the rumen and reticulum of the ruminants. Morphology: The fluke is thick and fleshy and are called conical flukes The shape of the fluke is indicative of identification. The dorsal surface is convex and the ventral surface is concave Two suckers are present at two ends Testes are at tandem and situated anterior to ovary The flukes are pink to red in color and the shape is comparable to the food prepared from rice Host- Cattle, sheep, goats and other ruminants Site- Rumen, reticulum, small intestine
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  • 28. • Developmental stages: Egg - Miracidium – Sporocyst - Redia – Cercaria - Metacercaria ( Infective stage) - Adult Clinical signs:  The animals exhibit the disease symptoms at the onset of monsoon  Several abdominal pains due to plug feeding is caused by the immature amphistome  Profuse fluid Diarrhea occurs  The affected animals show increased thirst which is due to loss of large amount of body fluid through Diarrhea  The affected animals may die
  • 29. Diagnosis: • Fecal examination is traditional diagnostic way for amphistome. • One thing is to be kept in mind that negative finding of eggs in the feces doesn't indicate absence of amphistomosis. Because when clinical signs occur in the animals due to amphistomosis it means the immature amphistomes are causing damage at that time. • In positive cases, the pink colored immature flukes are found in the foetid Diarrhea.
  • 30.
  • 31. Treatment and Control • Paramphistomiasis is considered a neglected tropical disease, with no prescription drug for treatment and control. Thus management of infection is based mainly on control of the snail population. Drugs shown to be effective are resorantel, oxyclozanide, clorsulon, niclosamide, bithional and levamisole.
  • 32. Important parasites of Cestodes Moniezia: These are cosmopolitan distributed medium to large-sized tape worms inhabiting the small intestine of the sheep, goat and cattle The tape worms are of less pathogenic significance However, large number of the Cestodes may cause some amount of pathogenicity M. expansa M.benedeni Common name: Double-pored tape worm Hosts- Sheep, goat and cattle Predilection Site- Small intestine
  • 33. Morphology • The head is almost round. • There are four suckers. • The rostellum is absent • The segments are broad • Two sets of reproductive organs are present • The shape of eggs of M. expansa is triangular and of M. benedeni is square. • Definite host: Ruminants • Intermediate host : Mites of family Oribatids
  • 34.
  • 35. Su:Suckers ; SC: Scolex ; N : Neck ; IP : Interproglottids glands ; T : testes; VA; vitelline gland; GA : Genital atrium
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  • 37.
  • 38. Life cycle: Developmental stages: Eggs - Oncosphere – Cysticercoids ( infective stage) in the intermediate host - Adults Clinical signs: - Low level of infection fails to produce any significant damage to the hosts - High level of infection causes Diarrhea - General weakness - anemia, Watery diarrhea , GI disturbance Diagnosis -Fecal examination - clinical signs Treatments: Praziquantel, Albendazole, Niclosomide, Fenbendazole, Bithionol
  • 39. Taenia solium ( Pork tapeworm)
  • 40.
  • 41. Morphology • They have tape like body, segmented body • They are hermaphrodite or monoecious • Intestinal parasites of Human and Other vertebrates • They don’t have body cavity and alimentary canal (Tegument) • Head or Scolex have suckers ( Sucking nutrients from the host tissue) and (sometimes with hooks) serves as organ for attachment • There are three region in an adult worm i.e. - Head : Scolex - Neck ( Contains germinal cells that budding proglottids) - Strobila ( Trunk or body ) Consists segments called Proglotids.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44. Diagnosis: • 1. Fecal examination: • CT scan and MRI to find cysticerus in brain.
  • 46. Important parasites of Nematode Oesophagostomum: These are important bursate nematodes inhabiting the large intestine of the ruminants and non-ruminants Species: O.columbisnum ( Found in sheep, goat) O. radiatum ( Found in cattle) O. venulosum ( found in sheep and goat) O. dentatum ( found in pig) Common name- Nodular worm Site-Large Intestine Disease caused – Nodule disease, knotty gut disease
  • 47. Morphology - In the head region a prominent cervical alae is present. The alae is a protruding ridge that forms longitudinally on many nematodes. Functions- cuticle strength, nematode movement or fat storage. - Like other nematodes, it contains well developed multi- nucleate digestive tract as well as reproductive system. - At the anterior margin of the head a mouth collar is present. - A ventral cervical groove is present at the lateral region of the body - They have club- shaped esophagus and buccal capsule - Female are longer than male - Hind end of female is pointed - vagina ends in a kidney shaped pars ejectrix which is considered to be a silent morphological feature of this parasite.
  • 49.
  • 50. Development stages: Egg - Larva 1 - Larva 2 -Larva 3 ( Infective) - Larva 4 - Adult Clinical signs:  The animals exhibit the clinical signs of persistent Diarrhea which is considered to be a differential diagnostic feature of the infection as the color of diarrheic faeces is specific (dark green).  The animals become dehydrated and debilitated.  Anemic is caused due to hypo nutritive condition  Young animals may die due to severe Diarrhea.
  • 51. Haemonchus • These are small wire worms found in the abomasums of sheep, goat and cattle • They are voracious blood sucker worms and cause unaccounted mortality and significant loss of productivity Species: H. contortus, H. placei, H. similes, H.bubalis, H. longistipes Site- Abomasum Common name- Stomach worm, wire worm or barber's pole worm
  • 52. Morphology: • The worms are small, grey or reddish in color. As the worms are blood suckers, the color of the parasite is reddish or grey due to digestion of the blood • Anteriorly there is a presence of prominent cervical papillae which is easily discernible (detectable) . • Red intestine is surrounded by the white ovary giving the appearance of barber's pole • The terminal part of female worm is sharply pointed.
  • 53.
  • 54. Developmental stages: Egg - Larva 1 - Larva 2 - Larva 3 ( Infective stage ) - Larva 4 - Adult Signs: -Anemia Abomasitis Edema in the submandibular region Diagnosis: -Faecal examination shows presence of eggs - Coproculture technique for further confirmation by identification of the larvae - Clinical signs - FAMACHA guide (guide to assess anemia - Immunodiagnostic by immunodominant defined antigen
  • 55.
  • 56. • Treatment: Fenbendazole, Albendazole, Mebendazole, Thiabendazole, Oxfenbendazole • Control : - Treatment of affected animals - Regular Deworming - Restriction of animals from grazing on the infected pasture. Alternate grazing can be practiced - Silage can be used as feed. - Biological control of nematode by Spraying of urea solution to kill the larvae - vaccination
  • 57. External Parasites/ Ectoparasites • Ectoparasites live on the skin or hair for shelter and feed • Common Ectoparasites are: 1. Lice 2. Fleas 3. Flies 4. Tick 5. Mite 6. Mosquito 1. Lice ( Haematopinus suis ) - They are dorso ventrally flattened, wingless insects and divided into two suborder: Mallophaga and Anoplura - Body is divided into three parts: Head , Thorax and Abdomen - Mallophaga are biting lice The entire life cycle is spent on the host - The transmission is through body contact
  • 58. • The eggs hatch within 1-2 weeks to produce nymphs • They feed repeatedly and molt several times to became adult • Heavy infection cause irritation and loss of productivity in poultry. • Anoplura are sucking lice where the mouth parts are adapted for piercing host skin and suck blood. Anoplura do not occurs in the birds. They are also host specific and life cycle is same as that of Mallophaga. Heavy infection can accumulate on livestock leading to anemia, biting stress and anorexia.
  • 59.
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  • 61. • Control of Lice: Wide variety of insecticides and good management system. The insecticides like Lindane, Malathion etc. can be applied through dips, sprays, pour-on methods.
  • 62. 2. Fleas ( Order- Aphaniptera )  Fleas are laterally flattened ectoparasites of animals and birds.  They bear piercing and sucking mouth parts and undergo complete metamorphosis.  They are not rigidly host specific.  The female lay very small ovoid eggs on the hairs.  The eggs fall on the ground and hatch into larvae which are not parasitic.  They undergo 2-3 molts, Life cycle is complete in 3 weeks. Control of Fleas: Same as lice. Flea larvae should be destroyed by spraying on the bed, cages and floor of the house.
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  • 65. 3. Flies ( Order- Diptera): They are true flies, with only one pair of wing and the last pair of wing is modified into small balancing organs. The life cycle comprises egg, larva, pupa and adult. The midges, sand flies, buffalo gnats, louse flies, mosquitoes comes under flies. Control of Flies: It varies for different families. The use of insecticide like synthetic pyrethroids as spray, pour-on or ear tag application may be useful for control.
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  • 68. Mites • Most of the mites are free living • Parasitic mites are most frequently ectoparasites of skin and feathers but few are tissue invaders • The morphological features are similar to those of ticks • During metamorphosis mites usually pass through 4 stages; egg, larva, nymph and adult.
  • 69.
  • 70. Control of Mites:  The intradermal mites Sarcoptidae and Demodicidae are susceptible to a wide variety of acaricides.  Systematic treatment such as an Ivermectin injection may be helpful.  Sarcoptic mange in herds of cattle can be controlled by spraying conventional organophosphates  Repeat spraying after 1-2 weeks is necessary.
  • 71. Ticks The ticks differ from the mites by: - their larger size, - leathery skin - The presence of a pair of spiracles behind the coxae of the third or fourth pair of legs. - The ticks are dorsoventrally flattened containing head or capitulum and fused thorax and abdomen called opisthosoma. - The life cycle comprises egg, larvae, nymph and adult. There are two types of ticks: 1) Hard Ticks and 2) Soft Ticks
  • 72.
  • 73. Difference Between Hard tick and Soft Tick
  • 74. Ticks injure their hosts mainly by 1) sucking blood 2) irritation on bites 3. Serving as vector of bacterial, rickettsial, viral and protozoal diseases 4) producing tick paralysis Control of Ticks 1. DDT, BHC are no longer used because of the development of resistance by the ticks and their varying toxicity. Now days, the synthetic pyrethroids and organ phosphorous acaricides are widely used as dip, spray, pour-on, ear tag etc. 2. Ivermectin injection is also available for the control of ticks and wide variety of parasites.
  • 75.
  • 76. Mosquito • They have 2 pairs of wings, but their second pairs of wings are reduced to short, peg like structure called halters • They have thin, long bodies, and three pairs of extremely long legs • They have feathery or hairy antennae • They have scales along the veins of their wings and long beak – like sharp sucking mouth part called a proboscis. ( Distinguish feather)
  • 77.
  • 78. Common protozoa and their characteristics • Protozoa are non- phototrophic, unicellular, eukaryotic microorganisms with no cell wall, no nucleus and no distinct organelles
  • 79. • Amoebiasis: Amoebiasis is a gastrointestinal disease ( causes dysentery) caused by Entamoeba histolytica . Locomotory organ – Pseudopodia • Flagellates: They have flagella as their locomotory organ . Example- Euglena • Ciliates: They have cilia over their surface as locomotory organ. Ex: Paramecium • Sporozoa: They lack locomotory organ. Ex: Plasmodium , Coccidia
  • 80. Coccidia • Obligate intracellular parasites • Spore forming parasites, it’s spore like cell called sporozoites Chicken coccidia and their sites Eimeria Species Region of infection E. necatrix Upper jejunum E. maxima Middle ileum/ Meckel ‘s diverticulum E. brunetti Lower small intestine, basis of caecum and rectum E. tenella Ceca known as caecal coccidiosis E. acervulina Duodenal loop

Editor's Notes

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