11 Alternative Ways to Say “As per Our Conversation” at Work

In today’s fast-paced work environment, efficient and clear communication is key. The phrase “As per our conversation” is commonly used to reference previous discussions, but it can become redundant if overused. This article provides eleven alternative ways to convey the same message, ensuring your communication remains fresh and engaging. Each alternative offers a slight variation in tone and context, allowing for more precise and varied expression in your written communications.

What Does “As per Our Conversation” Mean?

The phrase “As per our conversation” is a professional way of referencing a previous discussion or agreement made during a verbal exchange. It serves as a preamble in written communications, such as emails or letters, to remind the recipient of the context or decisions made during a prior conversation. This expression ensures both parties are on the same page and reinforces the commitments or actions agreed upon. By using it, you’re essentially underlining the importance of the conversation and ensuring that any follow-up is in line with what was discussed.

11 Alternative Ways to Say “As per Our Conversation”

Communicating effectively in the workplace involves simplicity and clarity, especially when referring back to previous discussions. If you’re looking for alternative ways to reference prior conversations without sounding repetitive, below are eleven different phrases you can use. Each offers a fresh approach while maintaining the essential context of your message.

1. As We Discussed

This phrase is straightforward and mirrors the original intent of indicating that the following points were part of a previous discussion.

2. To Clarify

“To clarify” is useful when you want to ensure that there is no ambiguity about what was discussed, and you’re about to provide additional details or confirmation.

3. After We Spoke

Using “After we spoke” introduces the actions or decisions that were made following a discussion, implying a sequence of events.

4. Here Are the Next Steps

This phrase is particularly effective when summarizing agreed-upon actions or plans that need to be taken after a meeting or conversation.

5. According To

“According to” can serve as a formal alternative, best used when you are about to cite specific details or instructions that were agreed upon.

6. As Mentioned

“As mentioned” is a neutral way to reference something that was brought up in conversation without indicating a specific time or place.

7. As per Your Request

This version puts the emphasis on the recipient’s previous request, making it ideal for situations where you’re following up on a specific ask.

8. As per the Contract

When discussions are tied to contractual agreements, “As per the contract” is a legally sound way to refer back to those agreements.

9. Last Time We Spoke

“Last time we spoke” is a casual and friendly alternative that reminds the recipient of the conversation and its context in a more personal tone.

10. As Promised

“As promised” is a solid choice when you’re about to deliver on something you agreed to do during a previous conversation. It emphasizes commitment and reliability.

11. As Agreed

Finally, “As agreed” is a concise and clear way to refer back to mutual decisions or agreements, indicating that what follows is in line with those.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating diverse language into your professional communications not only enhances clarity but also keeps your interactions engaging and thoughtful. Alternatives to “As per our conversation” enable you to tailor your messages more closely to the intended tone, urgency, and formality of the situation. Whether you’re summarizing actions, clarifying points, or reaffirming commitments, choosing the right phrase can significantly impact the effectiveness of your message. Remember, the goal is to communicate in a way that aligns with your professional environment and the nuances of the conversation you’re referencing. By diversifying your language with these alternatives, you’re taking a step towards more nuanced and effective communication in the workplace.

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