Mutterings (2010) Poem by Lillian B. Rose

Mutterings (2010)

I mutter in prayer trying to put some sense
into the mesh of intense
Sense of defensiveness a real part of me
questioning our love in a way I never had before
Tell me you still love me; I know my passion in love
is simmering behind angry eyes but I need you so much
The idea of you and someone else hurts me so very much
That I can only imagine what the thought of someone
Violating me did to you; How can we keep us going
How do we get through this because every-time you hold me
Every time you draw me in close
every time you assure me that I am safe
every time you caress me as I fret
I just want to scream- yes at the top of my lungs
I am stronger because I love you
But I need to know that your love
for me is genuine so that I can
Cheer- That is my man
who keeps me going when no one else can
I need to know that you love me
As much as I love you- Got it "Boy"
Perhaps what my little cousin sees
is more accurate- the boy.....But I don't see a boy
I see the man I love who pulled me back
from death to life so excuse me if I mutter
We are too important for me to do anything else

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