Lickety Split Philodendron

The showy Lickety Split Philodendron (Philodendron selloum) will draw attention every time. It is native to South America and can get 2-3 feet tall and wide. Unlike most philodendron it doesn’t climb but grows in clumps. The glossy green leaves are deeply cut and each leaf is different than the other. It is also a wonderful air purifier filtering out toxins in the surrounding air. Lickety Split is one of the more durable philodendrons and can take some neglect making it one of our easy care plants.

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AKA: Philodendron selloum

Light: Low to medium to bright indirect light. Direct light will burn the leaves. East or north window.

Watering: Allow at least the top 2 inches of soil to dry before watering. Water slowly and evenly; discard excess.

Humidity: Tolerant to dry air. Does well in average home humidity and up to high humidity.

Toxicity: Toxic to cats, dogs and humans.

Potting Mix: Rich and well-draining.

Additional Care: Enjoys a morning misting. Dust leaves regularly and trim out any old dead growth.

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