POLL: Quirky weather vanes dress up South Shore roofs

Gary Higgins
Weather vanes of many styles and shapes top many homes across the South Shore, including this one of a heron in flight.

As a golden mermaid dances in the morning light along Country Way in Scituate, a large bear has been spotted on a rooftop in the hills of Hull.

From Marina Bay to Holly Hill, Hingham Square to Humarock, weather vanes adorn roofs across the South Shore.

The variety of designs, shapes and materials is endless, featuring nautical themes in glorious gold leaf finish, copper birds of prey, homemade wooden roosters and brass retrievers pointing into the wind.

As climate checks, weather vanes have largely been replaced by more modern electronic weather stations that record wind direction, wind speed, temperature, humidity and rainfall. Still, the single-function weather vane (showing only wind direction) has lived on as a piece of art and reflection of its owner’s personality.

From church steeples and barntop cupolas, to tiny beach cottages, ornamental weather vanes surround us. Just look up.

Take a look at the beautiful and decorative weather vanes pictured here — which is your favorite? Vote at right!

Weather vanes of many styles and shapes top many homes across the South Shore. A bird is perched atop this classic rooster weather vane.