The best pushchairs, prams and buggies for safe travel with your baby

best pushchairs, prams and buggies

by Emily Gilbert |
Updated on

It's an essential purchase all new parents have to make, but deciding on the best pram for your newborn can be difficult as the choices are endless. Do you go for a lightweight pushchair that makes getting it in and out of the boot a breeze? Or do you go for a complete travel system that allows you to clip your car seat onto your pushchair frame? There are a few questions you need to ask to make this decision, and we're here to help with our pick of the best prams and pushchairs.

The most essential factor you're looking for when it comes to buying a pushchair for your newborn is safety. It's advised that newborns should lay in a flat position for at least their first six months. While some pushchairs offer a lie-flat option, some are only suitable for babies from six months, so keep this in mind when shopping.

You'll also need to consider the type of terrain you'll be walking your pram on each day as if you're in the countryside, you may need one with larger wheels. How much space you have free in your car and home to store your pram is another important factor to think about, as you might need to opt for a compact stroller. Also consider cost, prams really do vary in price, as well as thinking about how easy the pushchair is to clean, and also how much it weighs, because you'll need to be able to carry at some stage.

The best prams and pushchairs at a glance:

Best overall pushchair for newborns: Nuna TRIV Next pushchair - Buy now on Mamas & Papas
Best premium pushchair for newborns: Mamas + Papas Ocarro - Buy now on Mamas & Papas
Best for rural areas: Out 'n' About Nipper Single V4 - Buy now on Amazon
• Best value for money pushchair for newborns: Silver Cross Clic Stroller - Buy now on John Lewis
• Best for bumpy terrains: Out 'n' About GT - Buy now on Smart Kids Store
• Best travel pushchair for newborns: BABYZEN YOYO² Stroller - Buy now on Mamas & Papas

Is there a difference between prams, pushchairs, buggies and strollers?


A pushchair is sturdy, even the most lightweight pushchairs. You should be able to recline the seat fully so that your baby is lying down and have it as either a forward-facing stroller or parent-facing stroller. It'll usually grow with you, meaning it's suitable for both newborns and older babies. Some pushchairs are designed not for newborns but for about six months old, so always check whether the model you choose is suitable from birth.

Travel system

A travel system is where your baby's car seat is easily attached and detached from the frame and will either clip on top of the pushchair component or attach directly to the chassis with the seat removed. This means if your baby falls asleep in the car seat, you can click the seat onto the frame and be on your way without waking them (hopefully).

If you're often out and about in the car, a travel system could be ideal for you.


A pram is designed to carry newborns and young babies, with a lie-flat design, almost like a bassinet in appearance. They're sturdy and generally can't be folded flat, and aren't suitable for toddlers.


A stroller is lightweight, collapsible and is ideal for older babies and toddlers, with many parents using a travel stroller for holidays. Especially good for taking with you on your travels, strollers are a good compact stroller option which often fit in the boot of your car, on public transport or in the overhead compartment of a plane.


This is just another name for a stroller or pushchair. A buggy is usually an affordable, lightweight travel option and is easy for transporting your toddlers around. These are often not suitable for newborns as they generally don't offer a lie-flat recline option.

Double options

As the name suggests, this one is for you if you have twins, multiples or children close in age. The options include:

Double prams

• Double pushchairs

Double strollers

• Double buggies

Which one is best depends on the purpose and age of your children.

Choosing the right pram or pushchair for you

The type of pram or pushchair that you choose will need to suit your lifestyle and be convenient for your to use. There are a range of things you can take into consideration...

Who is the pushchair for?

Having your first baby? You'll need to look at a pushchair that comes with a carrycot or just a pram until your baby reaches six months.

If you're going to travel in the car a lot with your new baby, a travel system is indispensable.

However, if you're planning on having baby number two soon after baby number one, a convertible is ideal, as you can add another infant car seat, carrycot or pushchair seat if your family grows. If you're expecting a baby and also have a toddler who still uses the buggy, a twin or tandem pushchair is perfect for siblings close together in age.

Is it for everyday transport or occasional use?

If the pushchair is your baby's main mode of transport, you need a robust option with a sturdy frame. If it's for occasional use – such as taking on holiday, leaving at the grandparents' or keeping in the car boot for emergencies – then a lightweight pushchair or stroller will do.

Where is it going?

Think about your lifestyle and environment. The perfect pushchair for an outdoorsy life in the country won't necessarily suit city living. An all-terrain pushchair is perfect for pushing uphill and down in all weathers, whereas one made to glide effortlessly over shiny shop floors will make light work of steering your way through busy shops and streets.

Who is pushing it?

Will you always be at the helm of your baby's pushchair, or does it need to be adjustable to accommodate your partner's height too? If the grandparents are on hand to help, choose something light and manoeuvrable, which they won't feel they need a PhD to operate.

For how long will you use it?

Some parents buy several pushchairs and then upgrade as their needs change. You could choose a travel system for your baby's first 12-18 months and then switch to a lightweight pushchair or stroller once your baby is walking. But if you'd prefer to avoid forking out for more than one set of wheels, choose one which will continue to suit your needs as your baby – or your family – grows.

How Mother&Baby selected the best pushchairs

Our product recommendations are based on a combination of real-world testing from our burgeoning army of mum testers and the extensive knowledge of our experienced editorial team and product specialists. Where we can, we also consult experts who specialise in that field to ensure you get the right advice along with the right product, and we listen to what you say as well.

Our thriving mum community on our Facebook group #mumtribe also often hold great insights as to which products mums really like best and why, helping us highlight the products that meet what you really want.

For the essential products, our annual Mother&Baby Awards shortlist the top products tested, and you can find full reviews from our mum testers provided on the product page. The winners and runners-up for each category then will appear in our top picks article for that product, along with other products that were rated highly by our team.

When it comes to testing pushchairs, prams and buggies we considered various things such as budget, safety, longevity, weight and dimensions, ease of use and comfort.

Pram and pushchair safety

• Check the safety standards: all prams, buggies, strollers and pushchairs should meet the British Standard 7409:1996 or BS EN 1888:2003 safety regulations according to ROSPA. If you're buying a second hand pushchair always check they comply with the latest regulations.

• Check the brakes and tyres regularly for wear.

• Locking devices – Always make sure that the locking devices are fully locked before putting baby in the chair. There should be no areas where your child's fingers could get stuck.

• Safety harness – Whether it's a three-point safety harness or five-point harness, it's essential for the harness to be secured and fastened at all times when your baby is sat in it.

• Stability – The bigger the base, the more stable the pushchair so check how stable it feels before fasting baby in. You also need to make sure you don't overload the pushchair with too many bags and pram toys.

• All pushchairs, prams, strollers, and buggies have a weight limit so it's important to be aware of this before you put your child in it.

Our real mum testers and expert journalists have put the top pushchairs to the test, so you don't have to. Taking into consideration the needs of both parent and baby as well as use on different terrains and weather conditions, we've compiled a list of the best pushchairs for newborns to keep them comfortable, safe and happy when out and about.

The best prams, pushchairs and buggies for 2024

Best overall pushchair for newborns

Nuna TRIV Nextmamas & papas

The Nuna TRIV Next was awarded Silver and Gold for Best Pushchair at the Mother&Baby Awards 2023 and 2024.

If you live in a city or travel a lot, this compact pushchair should be on your radar. This bundle includes a pram, car seat and carrycot, so you've got every essential covered. The Nuna TRIV™ is cleverly designed with a seat that can face both ways and fold both ways and can easily convert to a travel system.

In terms of comfort, one reviewer said their child isn't great at napping, "but there seemed to be something about this pram that helped him get off to sleep quickly and comfortably". They also added that it's easy to manoeuvre and good for getting into tight spaces, plus slots nicely into the boot of the car.

Our testers liked that the ring adaptor can even fold with the frame, creating the perfect sidekick to your everyday adventures. For a quick trip to the supermarket or getting across town, our reviewers said that the TRIV is user-friendly, packs up quickly, folds with one hand and stands on its own, keeping your busy hands free. However, our testers didn't think the suspension was great. That aside, this is still proof that great things can come in small packages.

Read our full Nuna TRIV Next review.


  • Very compact when folded
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to steer


  • Suspension could be better

Best premium pushchair for newborns

**The Ocarro won a Gold Award in the 2022 Mother&Baby Awards in the Best Pushchairs category.
Ideal for rural and suburban living, this pushchair has a large, robust design perfect for all-terrain journeys. Our testers were impressed with how the dual suspension can handle the ups and downs of off-roading while baby stays snug and cosy in the large, padded seat. The iconic one-hand fold makes life easier, especially if you're caught in the rain, like one of our reviewers during testing.

The Mamas & Papas Ocarro stores away easily, even with the stroller seat on, ready for the next adventure, but be warned; it doesn't stand up easily when folded. Other features our reviewers loved are the fact that the hood comes down quite far, the zip to let some air in and the flap to check your baby, for peace of mind.

Read our full Mamas & Papas Ocarro review.


  • Easy one-hand fold
  • Adjustable handlebar
  • Reflective wheel rims for nighttime walks


  • Difficult to stand up straight and balance when folded

Best newborn pushchair for versatility

The Silver Cross Tide was awarded Silver for Best Pushchair at the Mother&Baby Awards 2024.

Designed for busy families, the three-in-one Silver Cross Tide comes complete with a stylish chassis, a carrycot for travelling straight from the start and a pushchair seat unit that reverses and reclines, although this does come at a price and some testers thought it was expensive. We liked that this exciting travel solution is equally comfortable in the urban jungle as it is on off-road adventures.

Our parent testers agreed that the Silver Cross Tide is a versatile pram, balancing function and size without compromising on comfort. One reviewer noted its thoughtful features, such as "the extendable hood/canopy with ventilation panel" and "the magnetic style buckle [which is] so much easier than other major pram brands I have used".

Crafted from high-quality materials (in true Silver Cross style), it provides a smooth, well-padded ride for your little one, and folds down compactly without needing to remove the seat. The only negative? We'd love to see more colourways available, but we're really trying hard to find any cons at all.

Read our full Silver Cross Tide review.


  • Stylish chassis
  • Adjustable features for personalisation
  • Suitable for all terrains
  • Spacious under-seat basket
  • Lightweight


  • Only available in three colourways

Best pushchair for newborns with lie-flat position

The Joie Litetrax Pro was awarded Bronze for Best Pushchair at the Mother&Baby Awards 2024.

The Joie Litetrax 4 allows your child to travel in comfort and style from birth to four years old. We liked the fully reclining seat which allows newborns to travel in the lie-flat position and converts into a travel system with Joie's 0+ car seats. It also includes an adjustable leg rest and a large hood with a ventilated panel, plus a "good size rain cover which covers the whole pushchair perfectly", according to our reviewers.

The Litetrax 4's swivel wheels allow for easy steering and lock into a fixed position for better control over bumpy surfaces, although testers did not think it handled rough terrain well. It has a simple one-hand fold function, which our testers agreed is great for parents on the go, and can easily be folded away.

Read our full Joie Litetrax Pro review.


  • Allows newborns to lie flat
  • Easy steering
  • Large hood
  • Big storage basket
  • Quick, compact fold
  • Automatic fold lock
  • Fits perfectly in small boots


  • Handle does not extend
  • Not great on rough terrain

Best for rural areas

**The Out 'n' About Nipper Single V4 won Gold at the Mother&Baby Awards 2023 for Best Pushchair.
The Out' n' About Nipper Single V4 is ideal for everyday use and will be especially useful for those who live in rural areas or like to adventure. With its range of travel system options and bespoke carrycot, it offers a comfortable ride from newborn to toddler, but it only offers forward-facing options.

Our testers like the air-filled tyres, which allow for smooth, one-handed manoeuvring across city and scenic off-road routes effortlessly. Sturdy but lightweight enough to be lifted over gates, it's a versatile pram which can be used for jogging once baby is old enough. Through all-weather testing, our reviewers were impressed. A great all-rounder.

Read our full Out 'n' About Nipper Single review.


  • Range of travel system options
  • Bespoke carrycot
  • Great for off-road/bumpy surfaces
  • Lightweight
  • Suitable for all-weather
  • Can be used for jogging once baby is old enough
  • Compact, fits well in a car boot
  • Adjustable handle


  • Forward facing only
  • Folding is tricky until you get the hang of it

Best pushchair for everyday use

**The UPPAbaby Cruz V2 was shortlisted in the 2022 Mother&Baby Awards in the Best Pushchairs category.
With large wheels, dual-action rear suspension and front suspension, the UPPAbaby Cruz V2 is one of the smoothest rides in the business. Don't let that fool you, though, it still folds down into a compact package for easy storage and transportation, is lightweight and is easy to manoeuvre. If you want the full package, you will need to purchase the carrycot or newborn insert separately, so it is an investment.

Our parent testers found this pushchair extremely comfortable to use. The brake, handle, and suspension worked efficiently, and the folding mechanism was quick and easy. Our tester, Hannah, found that the basket space was "big enough for a large change bag and several shopping bags", which will definitely make life easier.

Read our full UPPAbaby Cruz V2 review.


  • Stylish appearance
  • Can be adapted as a travel system
  • One-handed recline
  • Huge shopping basket
  • Lots of colourways to choose from
  • Great for taller parents


  • Carrycot/newborn insert sold separately
  • Two-hand fold

Best pushchair for style

**The Nuna MIXX Next won a Silver award in the 2022 Mother&Baby Awards in the Best Pushchairs category.
Ready for any terrain, the Nuna MIXX Next has all-wheel suspension and can be manoeuvred with one hand. The seat can be folded flat for a deep, relaxed sleep, which our testers loved, although there aren't many recline options overall. It packs away into a neat little bundle, making it great for those with limited boot space.

Our parent testers liked the overall height and look of this pushchair, commenting on how stylish it is - and they really loved the phone pouch. They also liked how easy it is to switch from parent-facing to front-facing, plus the amount of storage space, and the comfortable leather-look handles. They raved about the carrycot, telling us, "the sun shield on the carrycot is excellent, with lots of options for varying shade and air ventilation, and the magnetic fastening is a clever and neat way to attach. The mattress on the carrycot feels very padded and comfortable."

Read our full Nuna Mixx Next review.


  • Adjustable features
  • Stylish
  • Great suspension
  • Can adjust from parent facing to front facing easily
  • Easy one-hand fold
  • Large shopping basket
  • Removable lining


  • Could do with more recline options
  • Raincover won't fit the chair with the seat fully reclined and hood extended
  • Light-coloured fabric so may stain easily
  • Limited accessories

Best pushchair for shopping trips

The Joie Versatrax was shortlisted in the 2022 Mother&Baby Awards in the Best Pushchairs category.

This elegant pushchair is as easy to fold as it is on the eye – the handy quick release on the back of the seat will have you packed up and ready to go in the blink of an eye, whether the seat is fixed forward or rear facing. We loved how the clever freestanding-when-folded design also makes it easy to lift and store, although the handlebar can be a bit temperamental. The Joie Versatrax handles like a dream thanks to the Sweet StrideTM single front swivel wheels, all-wheel suspension and one-touch brakes.

Our parent tester really liked the foldability of the pram, plus its robustness and high-quality build, noting that the thick wheels are great for different terrains. She also noted that the easy-pull handle is "such a great feature and makes getting it in and out of the car so easy."

Read our full Joie versatrax review.


  • Quick release on the back of the seat
  • Carry handle for easy lifting
  • Huge shopping basket
  • Rearward and forward-facing
  • Folds compactly
  • Freestanding design when folded
  • Adjustable features


  • Handlebar can be temperamental

Best transportable pushchair for newborns

The Mamas & Papas Airo is the latest edition to the Mamas & Papas pushchair family and echoes the show-stopping features of the Ocarro, while maximising lightweight comfort and effortless manoeuvrability. It's ideal for city adventures and for parents who are always on the go. Our testers were impressed with how easy it is to fold and store, thanks to its famous one-hand fold. The Airo's compact design also allows you to tuck it neatly into car boots, footwells, luggage racks and overhead compartments. It can even be worn as a backpack. It is suitable from newborn, but the newborn package must be bought separately.

Our editor recommends this pushchair to parents with toddlers-in-tow as it isn't bulky and makes navigating life on the go a breeze. She notes, "I've always hidden the buggies, strollers, pushchairs in the boot of my car, but the Airo happily sits in the house, in the hallway and doesn't get in the way. I am also already envisaging how useful it will be when we go on holiday. Excited, in fact, to take it on our family adventures around the UK and, eventually, when we can, abroad."

Read our full Mamas & Papas Airo review.


  • Easy one-hand fold
  • Stylish
  • Great for travelling
  • Convenient carry strap
  • Compact fold
  • Cabin-friendly
  • Adjustable features


  • Newborn package sold separately

Best double pushchair for newborns

Bugaboo donkey with baby and toddlerEmily Gilbert

Offering multiple configurations, both as a single or double stroller, the Bugaboo Donkey 5 is versatile, easy to push, and compatible with multiple car seats. If you're thinking of expanding your family, you can easily convert it in a few easy clicks so it can carry two children. Our feature and reviews editor considers the Donkey 5 "the equivalent of owning the road in a range rover", with a lot of "well-thought out parts that make the difference as a parent".

She notes that the build is ultra-high quality, feels cushioned on various terrains and, considering its size, is easily manoeuvred, even on the spot, helped by the large single wheels.

Read our full Bugaboo Donkey 5 review.


  • Comfortable to use
  • Height-adjustable handles
  • Easy to fold down
  • High-quality build
  • Easy to manoeuvre
  • Spacious
  • Converts to a double buggy


  • Doesn't fold well with seats attached

Best travel pushchair

Babyzen Yoyo with mum and babyMaria Martin

The YOYO² is loved by celebrities across the globe, and for good reason. It's versatile, extremely lightweight (just 6.2kg!) and ideal for city dwellers and those who fly regularly. Suitable from birth with the newborn pack or bassinet (both sold separately) or from six months as a stroller, it's compact enough to be carried over your shoulder, easily folding down. It comes in several delightful shades, and there's a good range of accessories to choose from.

We found it easy to put together, although we did follow the YouTube video rather than the picture-only instructions, and it feels well-made. It is a little on the small side, so taller parents might find they have to bend down quite a lot - the handlebar doesn't adjust, which we'd have liked to see. Also, the wheels aren't quite hardy enough to tackle tough terrains; it's definitely better as a city pram.

Read our full BABYZEN YOYO² Stroller review.


  • Ultra lightweight
  • Can be worn over the shoulder
  • Compact enough to take as carry-on luggage
  • Supplied with a carry bag
  • Easy to put together
  • Well-made
  • Stylish
  • Good sized basket


  • Handlebar can't be adjusted
  • On the small side

Best eco-friendly pushchair

**The ABC Design Salsa 4 won a Bronze Award in the 2022 Mother&Baby Awards in the Best Pushchairs category.
This beautiful pram not only looks good but does good, too. A vegan product, it's made from recycled bottles meaning its sustainability credentials are impressive, but so are the design and function. Our parent testers loved the huge canopy, which covers the whole seat area (great for rainy days), plus the smooth ride, thanks to the top-notch suspension.

They also liked the range of accessories available and how neatly they fit onto the pram. Despite its size, the pram is easy to push around and even folds down to a surprisingly small size with ease. Speaking of size, the carrycot is generous, which means baby will have plenty of room to grow, and it can be used for sleeping.

Read our full ABC Design Salsa 4 Fashion Edition review.


  • Stylish
  • Fantastic suspension for a smooth ride
  • Spacious
  • Large basket
  • Forward and parent-facing
  • Adjustable handlebar


  • Dark material, so may get warm on hot days

Best affordable pushchair

The Joie Mirus Scenis is a featherweight, reversible pushchair that makes choosing between rear-facing and forward-facing as easy as can be, letting babies explore the world around them or focus on you.

Reviewers enjoyed the full canopy, hand brake, one-handed reclining adjustments, the quality of the wheels and suspension, plus the spacious basket. They also loved how it stands upright when folded and how lightweight it is. They did note, however, that it is not always the easiest to manoeuvre.


  • Easily convertible seat
  • Lightweight
  • Easy one-hand freestanding fold
  • Spacious basket


  • Wheels can be challenging to manoeuvre
  • Not as long-lasting as other options due to weight restrictions

Best pushchair with rotating seat

Cyber Eezy S TwistMamas & Papas

For a pram that switches between parent-facing and forward-facing in one swift movement, opt for the Cybex Eezy S Twist+2. Utilising one hand, it rotates 360 degrees, allowing you to communicate with your child when needed and for them to explore the world the rest of the time. Reviewers really like that the seat is higher than some others on the market, plus that it's lightweight and fits into small spaces.

With large wheels and four-wheel suspension, it's a smooth ride that tackles many terrains well.
It easily folds with one hand into a self-standing package for convenient stowing and storage, which we really liked, although it is disappointing that the handlebar is not adjustable.


  • One-hand fold
  • Rotatable seat unit
  • Lightweight
  • Four wheel suspension
  • Available in six colourways
  • Good-sized basket
  • Fits into overhead compartment on planes


  • No adjustable handlebar

Best foldable pushchair

Baby in Graco EezefoldEmily Gilbert

The Graco EeZeFold is a lightweight, compact pushchair and our testers said that its "promise of being perfect for families on the go certainly rings true." Its main selling point is its one-second one-hand fold alongside its portability, but there are many other features which make this pushchair so appealing, including a UPF 50+ canopy and multi-position recline. Some testers wished there was an adjustable handlebar and also said the shoulder pads sometimes slid down.

Read our full Graco EeZeFold review.


  • Extremely easy to fold
  • Compact
  • Stands upright and easy to store
  • Simple assembly
  • Good size shopping basket


  • Handlebar non-adjustable
  • Shoulder pads lack comfort and easily slide down

Best streamlined pushchair for newborns

The Ergobaby Metro+ stroller has all the comfort of a full-sized stroller in an ultra-compact design, making it the ideal fit for parents who don't want to sacrifice comfort for convenience, which our testers liked. Described as a "well-manufactured pram" that will grow with your little one by our reviewer, It has extra cushy padding and an adjustable handlebar, providing ultimate comfort and support for both baby and parents - tall and small, but bear in mind the buckle is a little complicated.

Read our full Ergobaby Metro+ revie****w.


  • Easy one-hand fold
  • Lightweight
  • Compact fold
  • Good for tall parents
  • Adjustable features


  • Complicated buckle system

Best value for money pushchair for newborns

**The Silver Cross Clic stroller won a Bronze Award in the 2022 Mother&Baby Awards in the Best Lightweight Buggy/Stroller category.
Light and easy to use, the Silver Cross Clic Stroller has a lie-flat, one-handed reclinable seat and. is suitable from birth to 22kg. We love that if your little one is ready to explore their surroundings, you can pull out the strap and carry the Clic on your shoulder. When not in use, the strap stores away neatly inside the seat. Our parent tester loved that it allows for lots of room in the car (great for family trips), plus it made day-to-day life easier as it's so easy to get in and out of the boot.

Read our full Silver Cross Clic review.


  • Lightweight
  • Convenient shoulder strap
  • Quick one-hand fold
  • Stylish design
  • Will fit in the overhead cabin


  • Doesn't include peekaboo window
  • Pinch release to sit baby up is tricky

Best lightweight pushchair for newborns

Extremely compact and easy to use, the Chicco Liteway 4 stroller is suitable from birth up to 22kg and is great value for money. Our testers liked how this lightweight stroller can be quickly folded for on-the-go convenience and, once folded, it can be easily carried with the built-in handle. They did think, however, that the hood could be improved.


  • Extremely compact fold
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to put together
  • Good for tall parents
  • Spacious storage basket


  • Hood could be improved
  • Wheels can start to squeak over time

Best compact pushchair for newborns

Toddler in Graco MyavoSamantha Ball

With an automatic, one-handed fold, the Graco Myavo is compact and lightweight, which makes it easy to take on the go, although the one-handed fold can be tricky to get the hang of. We liked that it has the option to be a three or five-point harness system to keep your little one secure and a detachable bumper bar to make it easier to put them in and take them out.

Our writer, Sam, said that her daughter "was actually happy to stay sat in the stroller... she felt comfortable enough to stay sat in it, [and] she would normally try to climb out", which is a testament to its comfort.

Read our Graco Myavo Compact Stroller review here.


  • One-handed fold
  • Lightweight design
  • Compact
  • Large storage basket


  • One-handed lock feature can be tricky to use at first

Best comfortable pushchair for newborns

**The My Babiie Billie Faiers Grey Tie Dye Pushchair won Bronze at the Mother&Baby Awards 2023 for Best Pushchair.
This stylish grey tie-dye pushchair from Billie Faiers is part of her 'Signature Range' at My Babiie. This pushchair is a lovely and stylish pushchair for everyday use, but bear in mind that the light fabric will stain easily. We like that it's lightweight and easy to manoeuvre with a handy large shopping basket, and reviewers agree. The colour-contrasting wheels and rear leg make this pushchair extra stylish, and the well-padded seat and padded chest pads mean your little one will be extra comfy every second of their journey. The seat unit is fully reclinable, making these pushchairs great for naps on the go, too. Some reviewers suggested it's a tad difficult to put down, especially if you have long nails.

Read our full My Babiie Billie Faiers Grey Tie Dye Pushchair review.


  • Lightweight
  • Compact
  • Adjustable recline positions
  • Large shopping basket


  • Light colour patterns so stains easily show
  • Some reviewers found it difficult to fold


Key features to look for before purchasing your pushchair


Stand-out features to look for are reversible seats, so you can push your baby facing you but turn them around to look at the world when they are old enough.


It's also good to look for a pushchair that is easy to fold (as you'll be doing this a lot) and easy to convert as your baby grows.


How much storage space do you have in your boot? And how much space do you have for the pushchair in your house?

Basket size

Don't forget to check the size of the basket - babies have a lot of stuff, and so do us parents, when we're out and about, so a decent-sized basket is a must. We'd also recommend investing in a pram cup holder if there isn't one included too!

Wheels and tyres

If you live out in the countryside, you'll probably want to make sure the wheels and tyres of your baby's pushchair can handle the rough terrain so that your baby's ride isn't too bumpy.

Things to consider before purchasing your pushchair

Will it fit in your car boot or hallway when folded?

Make sure the pushchair fits wherever you need it to. Take very careful measurements – and check them twice!

Can you fold and unfold it with one hand?

But can you really? You'd be surprised how many pushchair manufacturers make this claim. Don't take their word for it. Put it to the test.

Are the straps easy to adjust?

It's difficult to imagine your tiny bundle growing fast, but he will! Being able to adjust the straps easily after a sudden growth spurt is immensely useful.

Can you steer one-handed in a circle in both directions?

This seems like a pointless exercise, but you'll thank us the first time you turn a sharp corner whilst holding your toddler's hand or nursing a very large takeaway coffee!

Could you carry it up a flight of stairs even with your baby in it?

Some pushchairs are seriously heavy. Try lifting it in and out of your car boot, and consider whether you could carry it up a flight of stairs unaided without risking a hernia. Factor in that a growing toddler is a surprisingly heavy additional weight.

Is it easy to clean?

The ability to quickly and easily remove all traces of a spilt drink or a leaky nappy is worth paying extra for. Machine-washable, removable fabrics are your friend.

Will you love the way it looks a year from now?

You could still be using your pushchair several years from now, so make sure it's a print/style/colour that won't date quickly and leave you feeling behind the times. Getting out and about with your baby can do wonders for your well-being – you don't want to put that off because you've fallen out of love with your wheels.

When should you buy a pram or pushchair?

Babies should be in a flat lying position in their pram for at least the first six months of their life; this is important for their developing spine. Not all pushchairs lie completely flat, so you'll need to check this before buying.

Also, be aware that the term 'lie-flat' used by some pushchair manufacturers doesn't always mean that the pushchair can go completely flat; the term can be used to describe pushchairs that recline 'at least 150°', not the full 180° that you might expect.

Many frames come with a newborn carrycot and the option to switch to a reclining seat once your baby is old enough, meaning you get both pram and pushchair with the one frame.

Does a 2 year old need a pushchair?

Yes, at two your little one will still need a pushchair or stroller. They may want to do a little bit of walking and then rest in a pushchair, but their legs will get tired when walking long distances. You might want a lightweight, compact stroller for convenience as your little one gets bigger, or one which is easy for your little one to hop in and out of.

When can baby change from pram to pushchair?

Newborns need to lie flat and even when your baby is old enough to sit up slightly, they will still likely nap when out and about, so the option to lie flat is important. You can think about changing from a pram to a pushchair from 6 month, as long as your little one has the core strength to sit up. However, at around 12 - 18 months, your little one will definitely be more ready and you will enjoy the convenience of a transition to a pushchair. Of course though, you know your little one best, and you will know when they are ready. By the time they are walking and probably getting in and out to explore, a pushchair might be easier to use and more convenient for keeping in the back of the car too.

Should you get a carrycot?

Unless your pushchair can recline to a completely lie-flat position, then your newborn will also need a carrycot as it's the safest way to transport your baby in those early months.

What about a travel system?

The carrycot can then also fit onto your travel system. This allows you to place your baby in their carrycot onto their pram frame and then straight into the car, allowing them to stay undisturbed and comfortable whether you might be travelling with them.

Do I really need an expensive pram?

No, it's up to you what pram you choose and you can prioritise what you need from a pram or pushchair. It might be that you need something compact, or lightweight, or having a pram compatible with travel system is important to you. There are lots of factors to consider such as style, safety, weight, age suitability, how it manoeuvres or the terrain a pushchair can cover, and cost is another such consideration, especially if you love the idea of a designer pram. There are lots of budget prams to choose from, with prams, buggies and pushchairs ranging greatly in price. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what is important to you when choosing a pram.

Emily Gilbertis the Features & Reviews Editor for Mother&Baby and has written for the website and previously the magazine for six years. Specialising in product reviews, Emily is the first to know about all the exciting new releases in the parenting industry.

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