Lamp Chimney and Candle Centerpiece

Many people say grace at dinner, but you'll feel thankful well before if you prep the table with this easy yet eye-catching, wiltproof centerpiece.

table decorated with candles in glass lamp chimneys and fruit

For this centerpiece, you will need to source lamp chimneys, which you can find for a few dollars at hardware or antiques stores. Incorporate a mix of heights for a high-low look with dimension.

For more ideas, scroll through our entire collection of Thanksgiving ideas including candle centerpieces.


  1. Simply place candles on small glass dishes, and cover them with curvy lamp chimneys.

  2. Fill in spare spaces with fruit and foliage, and when guests arrive, light the wicks and bask in the glow.

Originally appeared: MARTHA STEWART LIVING, NOVEMBER 2018

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