Provocations and Provocateurs

Provocations and Provocateurs

Higher Education

Pennsylvania, PA 10 followers

About us

Provocations and Provocateurs is a section managed by Dennis Gioia. It is an invited and reviewed section of the journal, and does not accept unsolicited submissions. The invited essays are intended to be short, sharp commentaries on various issues in the field ranging from pointed commentary on the way we as a field think and act in doing theory and research, to how and why we teach, to wider political issues, to personal and professional semi-rants about issues of concern to JMI’s readership. T It thrives on the idea of challenging conventional thought, action, and practice. It features short, sharp commentaries on various issues in the field of Management Studies, ranging all the way from pointed commentary on our thought and action (theory and research) as a field, to wider political issues, to personal and professional (albeit semi-controlled) rants. These essays are meant to capture a memorable idea in a short burst, so readers can read for 10 minutes and be left with something to think about and even act upon. The main criteria are (a) that these pieces should be provocative (in the best sense of the term i.e., that they provoke the response, ´ that´s interesting!´ or ´ I hadn´t thought about that,´ or ´ I hadn´t thought about it in that way´ ), (b) that they should be readable because they are written with a specific agenda and in a lively fashion (no academese allowed, and (c) that they be short (nominally 5 to 8 manuscript pages). The Editors in Chief and the Section Editor, Dennis Gioia, suggest you familiarize yourself with the section before submitting a manuscript, but do not hesitate to contact Dennis if you have an idea you would like to submit for consideration for publication.

Higher Education
Company size
1 employee
Pennsylvania, PA

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