Are You Stuck In The Weeds?

Are You Stuck In The Weeds?

You may have heard the phrase, “stuck in the weeds”, but have you ever wondered what it means in a business sense? And more importantly, whether you’re “stuck in the weeds” yourself?

We use this phrase to describe someone – usually a leader – who channels all of their focus and energy into the daily minutiae of business, and ends up losing sight of the bigger picture.

Someone who might be micromanaging too much instead of working towards solving your bigger issues.

Someone who feels bogged down with too many little day-to-day tasks, especially ones that could be tackled by someone else.

And someone who is always busy but doesn’t get enough done.

Very often, this pattern leads to burnout.

If any of these sound familiar, you’re quite likely stuck in the weeds. Never fear, help is at hand! In this week’s The Lever, I’ll share some tips on what to do if you think you’re stuck in the weeds.



“Are you stuck in today’s weeds or creating tomorrow’s harvest?” 

~Kate Nasser, The People’s Coach


1 TIP:

If you think you might be stuck in the weeds, it’s time to move forward and take a more balanced approach to your work and your leadership role. Here are some ways to do that:

  1. Take responsibility: Recognise the behaviours and actions that got you into this position.
  2. Define your priorities: Where are you spending your time vs. where should you be spending your time? Determine what your role is in the business.
  3. Set boundaries: Are you managing your time effectively? Try blocking out time in your calendar for planning and strategizing before it gets filled up with meetings and team catch ups.
  4. Ask yourself a question: Will completing this task have an impact on my business? If not, consider deferring, automating, delegating or deleting entirely.
  5. Delegate and let go: Get comfortable trusting your team. Coach and encourage rather than micromanage, and celebrate successes.



Letting go of control isn’t easy, I know, but it has to happen if you want to move your business forward. The alternative? Burnout!

Here’s some more help: Learning How To Delegate (As A Control Freak)

And remember, you don’t have to do this alone. The team of VA’s and VBM’s at Your VA are experienced at working with ambitious entrepreneurs who may be stuck in the weeds.

  • Imagine sitting down at your computer every day excited about the day ahead. 
  • Imagine having a to-do list that has a direct impact on your goals. 
  • Imagine doing ONLY what you love and what you’re great at. 

It CAN happen!



Are you stuck in the weeds, focusing on the small things with no time – or gas in the tank – left for the big picture stuff?



If you have big dreams but know something needs to change in order to achieve these, book a chat with me  or hit reply and let’s get started. We'll discuss how to step up if we're already working with you or first steps if we're not.


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Justine Parsons |

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