Using Telegram Bot to send first quick warning or monitor text

As right now we have so much warning system in the market, sometimes maybe it just need some text to warning the key person then he or she can do the following action immediately. Here is the telegram bot which can help you to meet this requirement. you don't need to remove your current warning system in your company, simply add this for extra insurance! no cost and easy to implement as long as your api-request are not over limitation of free usage.

## How to Setup a Telegram Bot for Hourly Text Profit Reports

Telegram bots are a powerful tool for automating tasks and receiving updates. In this guide, we'll walk through the process of setting up a Telegram bot to send you hourly profit reports.

Step One: Setup Your Telegram Bot with BotFather

Open your Telegram app and search for BotFather.

Start a chat with BotFather and use the /newbot command to create a new bot.

Follow the instructions to choose a name and username for your bot.

Once your bot is created, BotFather will provide you with a unique API token. Save this token; you'll need it later.

## Step Two: Create a Channel and Invite Your Bot

Open your Telegram app and click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top-left corner.

Select "New Channel" and choose a name for your channel.

Click "Create" and set the privacy settings for your channel.

Once the channel is created, click on the channel name, go to "Add Member," and invite your bot.

# Step Two: Create a Channel and Invite Your Bot

# This step requires manual interaction in the Telegram app.

# Once the channel is created and the bot is invited, move on to Step Three.

## Step Three: Get the Group ID by Sending a Text Message

Open your Telegram app and go to the channel where you invited your bot.

Send a text message to the channel.

Run the following Python code to get the group ID.

## Step Four: Send Hourly Text Profit Reports

Now that you have your bot token and group ID, you can use the following Python code to send hourly text profit reports.

This simple script sends a "Hello! This is your hourly profit report" message to your Telegram channel every hour. You can customize the profit_report variable with your actual warning logic. Such as

  • Platform's xxx items is is out of stock.

  • The stock you want to buy is reach the the desired pricing

  • The instance B in AWA , GCP 's memory is reach to overflow, is not running

  • The profit currently low (lower 20% by yesterday's profit at 13:00 am XXX time zone in which branding)

That's it! You've successfully set up a Telegram bot to send you hourly text reports.

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