How And Why To Engage As Your Company On LinkedIn

How And Why To Engage As Your Company On LinkedIn

"How do I get more engagement with my company or showcase page on LinkedIn?" I get that question a lot. Like a lot, a lot. You have a content strategy and you're posting regularly. Now what?

Let me back up and say if you aren't doing the above, your first steps are to:

  1. Complete all parts of your company page - Cover image & banner, about section with keywords, add a link, contact info etc.
  2. Create a content strategy - Define your goals and the different audiences you want to engage with through your content. Run an audit of your current content and platforms. Determine which types of content you have access to or can create consistently (blog posts, case studies, images/infographics, video etc.). Calendar out that content to ensure you're hitting your targets over the long-term. This is a marathon not a sprint.
  3. Post regularly - LinkedIn reports that companies that post weekly see a 2x increase in engagement. Use images in posts for a 2x increase in comments and use video in posts for 5x more engagement. Consistency is key, both for you and your audience.
  4. Invite people to follow your page. This is a manual, time and labor intensive process, as it should be when done right (aka personally and without spamming random people). But putting in the effort to personally reach out to the people you know will find value from your company page is worth the effort.

So you've done all of the above, now what? Well it's time to be social. Whether companies still don't realize they can do it, or they simply neglect to, one of the areas I see widely overlooked is the simple, yet powerful practice of commenting on other posts as your company page.

If you're a super admin or content admin for your company LinkedIn page or showcase page then you can comment or react to content as that page. While the default will always have you engaging as yourself first, it's now pretty simple to engage as your page. Simply click the down arrow next to your name in the comment area (on desktop).

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Click the down arrow next your your profile image in the engagement area of a post to switch to your company

Clicking on the down arrow will pop up a box with the list of pages available to comment as. Simply 'switch to' that page, click save, and engage with the post.

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Select one of your pages and click Save to engage with the post as that page

Please note, the profile photo in the comment area will always show you who you are engaging as (person or page) and you will need to switch to your page for every unique post you want to engage with.

Engaging with posts as your business page has the same benefits as when you engage as yourself.

  • Engagement creates more visibility for your company page, thus increasing your reach.
  • Engagement fosters brand relationships. LinkedIn thrives on meaningful conversations. Regular engagement builds trust and showcases your company voice and message within the LinkedIn community.
  • Engagement creates a domino effect. I always liken it to a spider web. When you comment on posts as your page, your network sees the comment. When other people engage with it, their network sees it and so on and so forth spreading out from there. The power of LinkedIn organic reach is not to be underestimated. It is immense.
  • Engaging as your page is a chance to circumvent the algorithm. The content you post on your own page must pass LinkedIn's test to get greater reach. LinkedIn shares it with a few people in your network and if it gets a response they'll push the post to more people. It takes time to crack the code and find your groove. But when you comment on posts as your page, you beat the algorithm by actively choosing who sees your comments and what content you want to be associated with.

Organic engagement really is the heart of LinkedIn. So build in time each day to engage as your company and stick with it. The ability to engage as your company on the platform is an opportunity to share your corporate voice, showcase your brand and ultimately grow your following. Is your company currently taking advantage of this opportunity? Will you now that you've read this post? Reach out to me with questions. I'm here to help. ~April

Jessica Hebin

Prismatic Translation administrator


I tried this (the dropdown menu to like/comment as the company) and it worked once. Now I don't see that option. I'm super confused... I'm a super-admin on my company acct, so I don't know why it wouldn't work for me.

Shani Kotecha

Helping organisations that do good things reach more people 🌍


Thanks for the tips April Merrill, CSMA! Are there any companies you've seen smashing it on LinkedIN with their comments/active engagement?

Great info - thank you for posting


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