How animated videos increase  conversion rates...

How animated videos increase conversion rates...

Data says, corporate animations can boost your conversion rates by up to 80%*

Whether it’s a new product, service, process or purpose, when you need to bring power to your communications, make your messages move with corporate animations.

Here are 10 top benefits of corporate animations:

  1. Supports website SEO
  2. Website visitors stay longer 
  3. Stops social scrollers 
  4. Avoids ‘death by PowerPoint’
  5. Ice-breaker at events
  6. Makes pitches relatable & memorable
  7. Simplify the seemingly complex
  8. Epitomising your brand style & personality
  9. They're flexible, edit & repurpose
  10. More timeless than video = greater ROI

If you're ready to get moving with some ideas for your next project, check out Paige's blog to get you started, 10 top tips for successful corporate animations.

To discover how our client Lincolnshire Housing Partnership use animations, click here.

Our digital animators create engaging visual experiences across many styles of short 2D animations, typographic motion graphics, animated GIFs and explainer videos. We'd be delighted to chat about the opportunities for your business, here is how to get in touch.

*Explain Ninja have more data on the performance of video marketing.

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