Don't let doubt and fear stop you
This week's whiteboard quote is from T. Harv Eker

Don't let doubt and fear stop you

What's a moment in your life or career where you experiences fear or doubt? Did it stop you from taking a risk or pursuing something new?

We all have faced these feelings at some point. So what separates successful people from the rest?

This week's whiteboard quote is from author, businessman, and motivational speaker T. Harv Eker.

"Successful people have fear. Successful people have doubts. Successful people have worries. They just don't let these feelings stop them." - T. Harv Eker

After over a decade in one job, I was terrified to move on. I was filled with doubt about whether I was skilled or knowledgeable to be prosperous outside of the little niche I had created for myself.

I struggled with impostor syndrome--and still, do to some degree. I doubted my knowledge and abilities, despite 10 years of on-the-job, high-pressure experience.

These feelings are not uncommon. One study found that 65% of professionals suffer from impostor syndrome. The difference is in what you do in face of that self-doubt and fear.

Do you back down? Do your press on?

I encourage you to press on.

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

Jessica Bennett, Gender Editor at The New York Times, wrote an article that explains impostor syndrome and shares tips about overcoming it. It's written as part of the Working Woman's Handbook series, but the information applies to all genders.

What's your favorite quote?

Do you have a favorite quote? Words of comfort or inspiration that you keep coming back to? Is there something you heard or read that changed your outlook on life? Please share it with me! I'd love to include your favorite quotes in future editions of the whiteboard. Who knows, it may provide someone with that little push or support they need one day.

You can message me here on LinkedIn, or contact me on Twitter and Instagram with the handle @crizoft. Additionally, you can email me your favorite quote at

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