A Comprehensive Guide to determine Market Size - TAM, SAM & SOM

A Comprehensive Guide to determine Market Size - TAM, SAM & SOM

Hey there, fellow market explorers! Welcome to a journey that will demystify the art of determining market size. Ever wondered how companies gauge their potential and set ambitious goals? Buckle up, because we're about to delve into the world of TAM, SAM, and SOM – the compass points in the vast landscape of business opportunities.

Market size isn't just about numbers; it's a puzzle influenced by external forces and internal strengths. Imagine your business as a character in a story, shaped by market trends, technology shifts, and economic winds. We'll show you how to decode these factors and mould them to your advantage.

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The Quest Begins: Unravelling TAM

Picture this: a market as vast as the ocean, brimming with potential. This is your Total Addressable Market (TAM), the grand sum of all potential customers. TAM represents the maximum market demand, regardless of constraints. It's like spotting a treasure chest from afar. But remember, not every treasure can be yours. We'll show you how to pinpoint your true prize by narrowing down your focus.

Example: Picture the global smartphone market – every potential buyer on the planet.

Formula: TAM = Total Population (or Potential Customers) x Average Revenue per Customer

Calculating TAM: Approaches and Tips

Calculating your Total Addressable Market (TAM) involves several methods. Here are three key approaches along with tips for accuracy:

1. Top-Down Approach:

  • Start with the total market size.
  • Segment the market based on demographics, geography, etc.
  • Calculate your segment's percentage of the total market.
  • Multiply the total market size by the segment percentage to estimate TAM.

 2. Bottom-Up Approach:

  • Define your target customers.
  • Estimate potential customer count.
  • Estimate average revenue per customer.
  • Multiply customer count by average revenue to find TAM.

3. Value Theory Approach:

  • Identify your product's value to customers.
  • Estimate customers' willingness to pay (WTP).
  • Divide total addressable value by average WTP to calculate TAM.

Pro tips:

  • Use multiple data sources for verification.
  • Base estimates on realistic assumptions.
  • Consider market trends and projections.
  • Define your target market precisely.
  • Regularly update and refine TAM estimates.

 Remember, TAM can change, so stay flexible and adapt as the market evolves.


A Closer Glimpse: SAM – Where Potential Meets Reality

Your ship is heading towards a specific island in the sea of possibilities – your Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM). This is where potential meets reality, where your offerings align with the needs of a specific group. SAM is the portion of TAM you can realistically serve. It's like discovering a hidden cove filled with eager customers. We'll help you navigate the waters and plot your course towards SAM success.

Example: In the global smartphone market, SAM could be the customers within a specific income bracket or geographic region.

Formula: SAM = Total Population (or Potential Customers) x Percentage You Can Serve

Calculating SAM: Approaches Unveiled

1. Top-Down Approach:

  • Begin with the overall TAM (Total Addressable Market).
  • Define relevant segments within the TAM.
  • Calculate the percentage of the total market that your chosen segment represents.
  • Multiply the TAM by the segment percentage to find your SAM.

 2. Bottom-Up Approach:

  • Identify your target customer base.
  • Estimate potential customers within your chosen segment.
  • Determine the average revenue per customer.
  • Multiply the customer count by the average revenue to calculate your SAM.

 3. Value Theory Approach:

  • Assess your product's value to customers in your segment.
  • Understand customers' willingness to pay (WTP) for your offering.
  • Divide the segment's total addressable value by the average WTP to derive your SAM.

Pro tip: Remember, these approaches offer distinct vantage points. Select the one that aligns with your insights and market understanding. Stay vigilant and refine your SAM calculations as your business and market dynamics evolve.


Staking Your Claim: Charting SOM Territory

As you set foot on the shores of SAM, it's time to stake your claim with a Share of Market (SOM). Picture this as your piece of the island, the market share you aim to conquer. SOM is your intended market share within SAM. It's like building your own castle in uncharted lands. We'll provide the tools to build your empire and strategize your market dominance.

Example: In the smartphone market, if you aim to capture 10% of the SAM.

Formula: SOM = SAM x Desired Market Share Percentage

1. Top-Down Approach:

  • Start with your SAM (Serviceable Addressable Market).
  • Define your intended market share percentage.
  • Multiply the SAM by your desired market share percentage to find your SOM.

 2. Bottom-Up Approach:

  • Estimate your current customer count.
  • Determine your current revenue from this customer base.
  • Divide your current revenue by the average revenue per customer to calculate your current market share.
  • Compare your current market share to your desired market share percentage.

 3. Value Theory Approach:

  • Understand the value your product provides to customers in your segment.
  • Estimate customers' willingness to pay (WTP) for your product.
  • Divide the segment's total addressable value by the average WTP to find the total market share potential.
  • Apply your desired market share percentage to calculate your SOM.

Pro tip: Remember, these approaches offer diverse insights. Choose the one that aligns with your business strategy and market understanding. Regularly monitor and adjust your SOM calculations as you work to conquer your chosen market segment.


Tips for Calculating Market Size

 When calculating market size, keep these tips close to your compass:

  1.  Stay Realistic: Don't get lost in a fantasy. Be honest about your capabilities and the market's potential.
  2.  Reliable Data is Gold: Rely on accurate, up-to-date information. Outdated maps won't lead to buried treasure.
  3.  Stay Focused: Don't chase every wave. Define your target audience clearly to avoid being lost at sea.


Congratulations! You've just uncovered the secrets of market sizing – the compass points that guide businesses to greatness. Armed with TAM, SAM, and SOM knowledge, you're now equipped to navigate the unpredictable waters of entrepreneurship with confidence. May your sails be ever billowing, and your business voyage be a legendary tale for the ages.

Meet you in the next newsletter. Cheers!

Kathiravan Rajendran

#MarketMysteriesUnveiled #NavigatingMarketSize #TAMSAMandSOM #BusinessExploration #UnlockingOpportunities #MarketSizingDemystified #SettingSailForSuccess #ChartingYourCourse #BusinessCompass #SailingToSuccess #MarketInsights #TreasureOfPotential #CalculateMarketSize #ConquerTheMarket #BusinessJourney #MarketAdventure #MarketStrategies #BusinessGuidance #MarketWisdom #SailingTowardsSuccess #GTMStrategiesUnleashed #NavigatingMarketEntry #GTMExcellence #WinningWithGTM #GoToMarketSuccess #EffectiveGTM #MarketEntryTactics #GTMInsights #BusinessExpansion #GTMJourney #MarketPenetration #StrategyUnveiled #GTMInnovation #MarketDominance #BusinessGrowth #GTMExperiences #MarketInfiltration #StrategicApproach #GTMExploration #MarketSuccessRoadmap #GTMNewsletter #GotoMarketStrategies

Amey Talekar

New Product Introduction/Development | CSPO | Voice of Customer| Medical Devices | M.S. in Engineering Management | Data Analysis | Tableau


Thanks, Kathiravan, I have a question for you, Does finding out TAM changes according to the product? (Is calculating TAM for toothpaste and TAM for Microwave the same? these products have different lifespans as a person will buy toothpaste every couple of months but will use the microwave for 7-8 years)

Fritz Desir 🇭🇹🇬🇾

Building Proxie Health, a human + AI-enabled co-pilot enabling health providers & payers to help us all live longer & smarter | An AWSM Venture | ex-BCG, McKinsey, IBM


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