CO2 Greenhouse Effect Saturated Before In 1859AD Greenhouse Effect Was Invented ?

CO2 Greenhouse Effect Saturated Before In 1859AD Greenhouse Effect Was Invented ?

Difficult to say ...

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But other scientists agree on the fact of "CO2 Climate Sensitivity Estimates Declining" ...

But when did the "decline"="saturation" start ?

  • Did it start in 2000A.D.
  • Did it start before the greenhouse effect was first invented in 1859A.D. in Ireland by John Tyndall ?
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CO2-history is wel documented.

  • If the CO2 saturation effect starts below 100ppm, was the CO2 greenhouse effect ever not saturated in history ?

Anyway ...

In climate science there are too many unanswered questions to answer and too many unquestioned answers to question ...

But : 

Health & Climate & Energy are realy very complicated science and very sensitive politico-scientific stuff and also delicate socio-economic stuff but we do the best we can and try to explain it as simple as possible but not simpler than that in the group : CCR="Climate Change Revival

Warren Blair

President at Nuance Energy Ltd.


Amazing how difficult it is to discover these physical facts on the internet or via a Google search. Why would such important and uncomplicated truths be so hidden?

Rick de Boer

Geoscientist ( Retired)


Yes and this is perfectly explained by spectral physics. CO2's spectral absorbtion signature is only in three bands of the IR spectrum these only account for a very small amount of the Earths radiant emissions. At current levels those bands 2.7 4.3 and 15 um ( from memory) are fully absorbed double the CO2 only improves the spectral filter and halves the distance to total extinction of those bands. John Glenn in Gemini measured that from space during Geminis orbit

RJ Wetzel

Retired and helping where I can


The important coment is "We currently do not know what happens....", hence, why is it that the idiots in the Democratic party "know"? Clearly THEY DO NOT! Just like masks and "the Covid shot won't harm you" and "14 days to slow the virus".

Peter Cook

Non-Executive Chairman at Castile Resources, Titan Minerals,Nico Resources


Wow isn’t that great! I hate cold weather and plants breathe CO2 so they won’t go hungry. 😀

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