Biboli maaaa! Life Lessons I’ve Learned From the Minions

Biboli maaaa! Life Lessons I’ve Learned From the Minions

Minions are my Spirit Animal, and not just because I love bananas but because of what they teach us about being better human beings. Now, many will think that they aren’t the brightest or that they’re followers. I, however, see them for so much more than Gru’s evil army. For me, minions embody many of the characteristics that I value in people and my community.

 Minions are a positive bunch who work together and support each other. I didn’t realize how important that was to me until we started building IT By Design, where over the last 19 years we have learned the value of a strong community. We weren’t always this way; it took us years to understand how a community is stronger together.

It’s the principles we practice with the Collaborative Way or how we work to give back to our peers with Build IT. We’re a family. Now, it’s not like the minions are perfect and never argue, but at the end of the day, Kevin, Stuart and the entire crew are always united as a community. That is ITBD.

Minions are also fiercely loyal. They have all decided to be loyal to Gru, and they are his friends, not followers. They’re not blindly following someone; it’s making a choice on who your friends are and cherishing them. The minions have shared values with Gru; they lift each other up and cheer each other on. For me, friendship is all about loyalty and a confidence that you’ll always do what’s right for your person. That is Gru and his minions.

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Love and compassion are the most important characteristic of the minions that I value. They have the ability to show so much love, not only for Gru, but for Agnes, Edith, and Margo as well. When the young girls are brought home by Gru, the minions take on a mothering role and often do the job of both parents. They’re in tune with the girls’ feelings, working so hard to get Agnes her toy unicorn, making one out of a toilet bowl cleaner when they can’t find one. Only someone who cares would go to such lengths.  

That’s how we work at ITBD as well. We all work together to support each other in all our initiatives. It’s the reason we build Team GPS and Build IT; we care so much about the community we want to share our learnings with all good intentions.

Minions also exhibit leadership qualities and, technically, have developed their own democracy with defined leaders – like Kevin and Stuart – who each know their roles. They also ensure that the collective is heard, and they all work together.  

It’s because of this collaboration that there’s nothing they can’t do or build as long as they do it together. For me, I like to work with a team. It’s easy for me to be a loud voice, but sometimes it’s the quiet and allowing other voices to be heard that matters. Making sure everyone feels valued is important to me.

From a mental health perspective, they’re also a very happy group, rarely allowing anything to bring them down. I’ve spent many years working first as an MSP owner and then providing services for MSPs. Let’s face it, we’re a heavily male-dominated group.

It’s not always easy to be the forthright and honest female in the group. It took me years ― and much mentoring from John Maxwell ― to realize that “people’s opinions of me don’t define me”. So now I try to always be kind and remind myself that the minions are happy as they are. Each one is unique; looking at them reminds me of the importance of our individuality. We may look similar on the outside, but inside we’re quite different.  

And let’s not forget their love of bananas. A healthy diet is extremely important. I learned years ago how important it is to take care of your health. I’m conscious of what I eat, I work out, and I make sure that I never take my health for granted. Well, unless you count the time, I had appendix surgery and got Covid two weeks before Build IT – but who’s counting.  

A minion life is one that I happily live; it’s where I’m part of a community. I’m happy and kind, I value friendships and am fiercely loyal. I love generously and am able to have my voice heard. I’m not scared of who I am; I embrace it and work hard to be stronger. Minions are truly my spirit animal and not just because we both love bananas. 

So, what are your spirit animals ― and why? I’d love to know. Please share them in the comments below.

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