On Authentic Relating at Work  & the Blissfulness of Interbeing
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On Authentic Relating at Work & the Blissfulness of Interbeing

" 'To be' is to inter-be." - Thich Nhat Hanh

Have you ever jumped into a virtual work call or showed up to an in-person meeting expecting it to be just like any other, and ended up really - I mean really - connecting with another person? It could have been a client, a colleague, a potential investor, a person who was interviewing you, or maybe one you were interviewing… But chances are, if it did happen, it was probably a one-on-one. And chances are, if it did happen, you probably haven’t forgotten about it - and maybe never will. 

There is something uniquely heart-imprinting and soul-stirring about these unexpected encounters when social masks, job titles, and the roles we are supposed to play all seem to magically evaporate - and all that remains is two humans, witnessing each other and sharing from a place of authenticity, openness, and rawness. And for just half-an-hour, maybe a little longer, you feel deeply seen, recognized, valued. Not for what you bring, what you have achieved - but for who you truly are. And at the same time, you really see and appreciate the person in front of you. Not for the purpose they’ll help you fulfill, but for the simple fact that they exist, and that their presence feels beautiful. And while the role-play may continue as the job still needs to get done, it seems as though the professional has fallen into the background, and the shared beingness has risen to the forefront. 

I uncovered many treasures on my ongoing journey to de-commodifying myself, decolonizing and re-wilding my inner world, and unlearning all the junk that I had inadvertently let creep into my mind while I was still unaware of the boundless power of beliefs. This treasure is about the blissfulness of interbeing, and it is a gift for you.

Dear human, our lives are simply not long enough to not strive to taste the delight of interbeingness as often as we possibly can. On average, we as humans spend a third of our lifetime working - which roughly amounts to 90,000 hours - and another third sleeping. This means we only allow ourselves one third of our lives to deeply connect with others - and that is, if we are blessed enough to be surrounded with family and friends who see us for who we truly are. Yet, authentic human connection is a natural need. And I would argue that it is also our most profound yearning - and our inalienable birthright.

I don’t know about you, but moments when I authentically connect with someone nourish my soul. They plant flowers in my inner garden. They send goosebumps flying through my right arm. They paint vibrant colors onto my days and sprinkle faith and joy into my life. They make my heart flutter like a butterfly's wings. Sometimes, they even bring tears to my eyes. 

Maybe the reason why so many people are suffering from mental health disorders is because since our ancestors moved away from villages, we have been lacking opportunities to practice interbeingess - with each other and with the more-than-human world. We have become prisoners of our concrete walls, prisoners of our concrete minds, prisoners of our senseless isolated senses of selves. Yet, our innermost being demands fluidity. It yearns to flow, intertwine, and melt onto another being. It craves its own dissolution in a mystical form of Union with the Other. And only when it has reached this sacred destination, when it has successfully dissolved into something other, larger than itself - does it really begin to feel home… Now, how does this land in your body? Does something within you recognize a glimpse of truth here? 

It may also very well be the case that one cannot see nor recognize oneself without the faithful, loving mirror of the Other. As such, the Other is not simply another, They are also the bridge to our innermost selves. Without crossing that bridge, we can hardly know ourselves. And without knowing ourselves, how could we love ourselves? 

So, dear humans, why don’t we drop our social masks and job titles more often, and just be, together? 

Let us envision a tomorrow where deep relationality and sacred reciprocity - instead of transactionality and instrumentality - permeate our workplaces. Let us envision a tomorrow where our work is our expression of Love and devotion to the Earth and all its peoples, and where this Love imbues every interaction with one another. Let us envision a tomorrow where we have reclaimed our birthright to deep authentic connection - everywhere, all the time. Let us envision a tomorrow where we spend two - and not just one - third of our lives tasting the exquisite deliciousness of interbeingness. Let us envision a tomorrow where we are constantly open to the grace that is ever-present around us (in Yoga, Opening to Grace is a way of leading what we do “with an open-hearted attitude of infinite possibility and support"). And now that we’re done envisioning this tomorrow, let us embrace it and the infinite possibilities it brings - today!

Maybe what it takes to build a more beautiful world - both inner and outer - is just interbeing more often… And that’s my invitation to all of us.

There are no beings, just interbeings.

Nothing exists independently of something else.

It goes beyond interrelatedness or interdependence.

Everything is part of an intricate, inextricable web of inter-arising & interbeingness

I am, because You are.

You are, because I am.

In other words, We are.

What is your experience with interbeingness - in the workplace or elsewhere? Would love to listen to your stories, share mine - and just be, together. I’m also happy to discuss more “practical” tips on authentic relating - whether in professional settings, our personal relationships, or with the more-than-human-world. 

Sacred reciprocity ✨ Beautifully said, Hajar. It involves mindfulness and practice but is arguably one of the most important undertakings as a species. x

El Bachir E.

Managing Partner at LBank Labs (Web3 VC & FoF). Passionate about #Investment, #Education & #Blockchain. #Web3Technologies #Vc #LBankLabs #Morocco #Canada.


In most situations when I work with companies, startups, entrepreneurs, or people in general, I never focus on the project but always on the human element. The human aspect dictates everything; the project is often driven by the individual, and especially the entrepreneur, who is guided by their emotions. Once you connect with the person and understand exactly how their emotions work and what drives them, everything else becomes more natural, more logical. Today, even in marketing, we've evolved from B2B and B2C to B2B2C, but now we've reached the pinnacle of strategies: human to human, heart to heart. I believe that regardless of the technologies or technological revolutions, the human element always remains at the core of all these changes, and it's this human connection that makes all the difference.

Joe Redston

Metacrisis specialist


“Interbeing more often” … a definite yes to that from me 🙏

Peter Paap

Adviseur Landschapsplanning, Duurzaamheid, Milieu en Bosbouw


Love your view on openness Hajar!

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