Anatomy of self destructiveness - not for the faint hearted !

Anatomy of self destructiveness - not for the faint hearted !

If we compare books to food served in a restaurant, than this is neither a light starter nor a sweet desert. It's a proper main meal, somewhat heavy and big but very nourishing. Many have read or heard of E. Fromm's bestsellers such as "Art of Love" or " To be or to have" amongst other works. This book to me appeared scientific, daunting, at times more boring than exciting, at times hard to read but above all a true gem. One needs to stop, comprehend and digest some concepts and discoveries of man's darker sides. 

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There are several reasons why men (read human beings) step on the path of self destructiveness. The author in 13 chapters slowly uncovers the reasons, conditions, signs and results of this pathology. 

Contrary to Z. Freud author doesn't believe that deaths instinct is stronger to life instinct. However, it seems that destructive behaviour increases along with urbanisation of mankind. Despite the crowdedness, exposure to media and myriad of quick entertainment many still live in the state of anomie. Uprooted, not belonging to any community or social strata, often not having work or any major aim in life. Meanwhile technological progressed mixed with less restricted capital goes on to increase efficiency and profit, often at the expense of local communities. 

And here comes one of the main points of the book - whatever the social, political or economic conditions - all men need emotional excitement or drama. If there is no way to satisfy men's higher aspirations than he will turn to lower ones. Divine or deplorable but excitement will be had, such is our nature.

Some scientist (even Nobel prize winners such as K. Lorenz) argue that destructiveness and aggressiveness are part of human instincts. Aggressive behaviour during self defence or in the course of getting basic needs met is understandable. However, if actions aimed at curbing life and even killing humans would be natural part of human instincts, we would seizes to exist long time ago. 

Not so much instincts but rather social conditions and degree of freedom shape men's behaviour. There is school of thought called behaviourism that substantiates this point of view too. Behaviourists argue that men are conditioned and much of our actions as socially reinforced. It's interesting to note that before dawn of internet era, the book already adreses problems of cybernetic age.

Individual looses physical and social connections, becomes part of cyber world, adjusts to it as small bolt to mega machine. In the process he gets manipulated, distracted, isolated and somewhat dull. It seems that our technological progress is causing some humanistic regress. Amongst problems caused is psychological famine which gets covered by various activities to fill the void. 

Many activities are pure passions which create destructiveness for an individual and for society at large. An interesting example from author is that an "oversexed" man who in reality is "over-vain" ! Nowadays vanity seems to be not only a defence mechanism but also a virtue !

The book goes on with analysis of aggressive behaviour in animals, causes of it and draws parallels with life of humans.

Fromm argues that men is neither naturally aggressive nor destructive. Our aggression is mostly an extreme form of passion, an infantile way of getting what one needs. The bark is stronger than bite, but big exceptions happen for we can't forget the wars and atrocities of 20th century. Fromm repeats that the more civilised, urban we become, the more social division there are, the more reason for social friction, destructiveness and even wars. One could compare growing number of human livings living in the zoo environment, the cage stays the same but number of inhabitants continue to increase. 

We have to remember that on genetic level humans didn't understand concept of private property and exploiting others wasn't natural. Increased civilisation produced greed, possessiveness, exploitation, envy which religions tried to curb. Today we witness decline of religion, upsurge of consumerism & inequality which is in turn creates conditions for men's destructiveness. 

Almost all second part of the book is devoted to aggression. It starts with benign forms but mostly deals with malignant. 

It explains men's existential disequilibrium, sense of lostness in the world, progressive & regressive solutions for living full life. 

Amongst the best solutions against modern day angst is that of active individual, in social and academic way. Without rich inner life, without active stimulation of mental & physical activities chronic boredom & sense of impotence, helplessness may set in. Boredom is one of the most painful feelings and an individual will do everything to escape it. 

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Fully developed person will not need much of external stimuli, he will also recognise that only activities which are hard, require discipline, methodical work will feed his soul and give aim in life. Easy and cheap entertainment lacks the productivity and quick results are comparable to fast food. 

Final highlight of Fromm's work for me was analysis of narcissism, schizophrenia and necrophilia. There are many gloomy things which he insightfully shows using two historical figures that of Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler and führer of the third reich himself - Adolf Hitler.

There are number of discoveries and historical facts i would never known had I not read the book. What are those I will leave it up to you to discover or discuss in person, my dear, little reader :) 

Great review Ivo - I've read a few deep-dives into self destructive behaviour, one of my recent favourites was "Rewire" by John O'Connor. I'll have to stick this one on my reading list queue! Thanks!

Janis Meldrajs

Partner at Baltic Incentive Travel


Great review written by Ivo!!

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