AllerSnap - Rapid Protein Residue Test

AllerSnap - Rapid Protein Residue Test

AllerSnap™ is a quick and easy way to verify the cleanliness of surfaces by detecting protein residues left behind after cleaning. By simply swabbing the area and activating the device, you release a reagent that turns color, providing a qualitative and semi-quantitative result of the protein levels on the surface: green means clean and purple means re-clean. The more protein present, the quicker the color change to purple and the darker the color. AllerSnap quickly validates surface hygiene, allowing immediate corrective action to be taken when necessary.

The proof is in the color.

Green means clean, and purple means re-clean. Protecting your product quality and ensuring customer safety has never been easier. The more protein in your sample, the deeper and dark the purple becomes. There's even a color chart printed on the label to help with interpretation and eliminate any guesswork.

Add this device to screen it all.

AllerSnap is both cost effective and time saving - especially when testing for multiple surface allergens. One swab test checks for all proteins, quickly confirming the hygiene of a surface, and eliminating the need to run multiple expensive allergen-specific tests. If a surface is cleaned properly, all protein residues should be removed. For more information on how to incorporate AllerSnap into your cleaning program refer to the resources below.  

Get specific with AllerFlow Gluten.

Looking for a specific allergen test? AllerFlow Gluten is a rapid and convenient kit for detection of gluten residue on surfaces as part of an allergen control program. Like all Hygiena™ test kits, AllerFlow Gluten offers unparalleled convenience with reliable and sensitive results. Learn more about AllerFlow Gluten...

A prevention program that works for you. 

Studies have shown that incorporating high sensitivity ATP testing with protein residue detection can result in an ultra-efficient surface allergen prevention program. See the research below. With SuperSnap™ and the EnSURE™ monitoring system, you can maximize your allergen prevention program by eliminating cross-contamination, ensuring product integrity, and protecting brand reputation, making sure allergens don't make it into your product. How does it work? SuperSnap is a highly sensitive all-in-one test that detects extremely low levels of ATP residue, similar to low levels of protein residue. Test results are measured with the EnSURE and data is recorded with SureTrend™ software, so you can track, trend, and analyze your test results with charts and graphs. Learn more about SuperSnap.

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