70-B Bb Gettysburg Commemorative Bugle 2018-04-05T17:56:56+00:00
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Model 70-B Bb Gettysburg Commemorative Bugle

Based on our flagship Model 60-B Bb Regulation bugle, The Bb Gettysburg Commemorative bugle is the production version of the special instrument donated to the One Hundred Nights of Taps event held at the Gettysburg National Cemetery. It features a hand-hammered copper bell, One Hundred Nights of Taps commorative bell markings, and the same great sound and playability that made our Model 60-B famous.

Contact us at sales@kanstul.com for ordering information.

FACTORY PRICE $395 (add $66 for Protec gig bag case, $60 for Kanstul 7C or 3C mouthpiece)

Key: Bb
Bore: .460″
Bell: Hand Hammered Copper – 4 7/8″ Diameter
Slides: Brass
Water Key: Traditional
Finish: Clear Lacquer

  • One Piece Bell
  • Trumpet Shank Mouthpiece Receiver
  • Amado Water Key Available On Request

Kanstul Factory Warranty