How easily do you get angry? Take this Anger Personality test.

This anger personality test will help you determine how good you are at handling your anger in stressful situations. Do you get angry easily? Or are you as cool as cucumber? Test yourself here. 

Apr 24, 2023, 16:58 IST
Do You Get Angry Easily? Try This Anger Personality Test.
Do You Get Angry Easily? Try This Anger Personality Test.

Anger is a normal part of life. Everyone gets angry at times. It is a natural emotion that can be controlled. 

But if you let your anger control you, you might hurt someone else or even yourself. This is why it’s important to learn how to deal with anger in a positive way.

But, how well do you control your anger?

Do you let yourself explode in certain situations? Or do you keep things to yourself and blow up later? 

This multidimensional anger personality/psychology test is designed to help you determine your level of anger control.  Try this and see for yourself how easily you get angry.

Anger Personality Test

How Angry Are You? Take a pen or pencil and write down the options you think are the most applicable to you. For example, 1a, 2c, 3b.

1. How would you react if someone said something negative about you?

a. Very angry

b. A bit angry 

c. Not angry


2. If you are angry with someone, do you take your anger out on that person or someone else?

a. Someone else

b. That person

c. Others


3. How often do you get angry when someone disagrees with you?

a. Often

b. Never

c. Sometimes


4. How often do you appear to act polite when you are angry?

a. Always

b. Never

c. Sometimes


5. When someone angers you, do you try to get back at them?

a. Yes 

b. Sometimes

c. No


6. Do you feel guilt in your conscience after an angry outburst?

a. Yes

b. Sometimes

c. No


7. Will your friends/family describe you as someone who tends to get angry easily? (Take help from someone close to you for this question.) 

a. Yes

b. Maybe

c. No


8. Do you tend to get angry for a long period of time?

a. Yes 

b, Maybe

c. No


9. Do you think that you get angrier than most people?

a. Yes 

b. Maybe

c. No


10. How often do you get so angry that you feel like you’ll lose control?

a. Always

b. Sometimes

c. Never

Anger Personality Test Results 

A. If have chosen option ‘a’ for the majority of the questions, then you tend to get angrier than most. 

-> You are more susceptible to getting angry than an average person. Even a small nuisance or provocation can make you angry. If you are too prideful, you might be quick to become annoyed or angry with people who disagree with you. People who are easily angered also risk damaging their physical and mental health. However, being annoyed or angry at all times can hurt your self-respect and make you look ridiculous. You can get into a lot of problems if you have a bad temper. You need to learn to calm yourself down and realize the fact that anger is a secondary emotion that can be controlled. 

B. If you have chosen option ‘b’ for the majority of the questions, then you walk a fine line between anger and tranquility.

-> You occasionally lose control of your temper and when you do you are able to manage it. Maybe there are some circumstances that really irritate you and make you angry. We all have those days where we are angry for no certain reason, those are applicable to you as well. In any case, however, you generally seem to control your emotions. Although, you might want to stay away from people who annoy you or make you angry for no reason. 

C. If you have chosen option ‘c’ for the majority of the questions, then you are as cool as a cucumber. 

-> Your outlook on life is one that is calm, collected, and unbothered. You are more happy-go-lucky than moody and despairing. You never look to get even with anyone, even when they deserve it. You don't lose your composure and you try to maintain it even in circumstances that call for anger or retaliation. Your ability to control your anger is a big strength that helps you out in the long run as well, as long as you are expressing it in a healthy way and not keeping everything in. Good job!

However, one important thing to remember is that online personality tests are not 100% accurate at times. So, if you do not get the desired results, do not be discouraged. One test cannot gauge the multitude of human emotions and desires.

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