Wolfs reunites George Clooney and Brad Pitt, and they're already talking about a sequel

16 years after Burn After Reading, the dynamite duo are reuniting under Spider-Man: No Way Home director Jon Watts. And no, that title isn't a typo
Wolfs reunites George Clooney and Brad Pitt and they're already talking about a sequel

Brad Pitt and George Clooney are a bit like peanut butter and/or jam: solid options in their own right, bonafide staples of any household, will elevate the taste profile of your toast in the morning, etc. But bring ‘em together, and baby, you’ve got an A-list stew going — a winning combination that saw 2008's Burn After Reading turn in the big bucks for the Coen brothers, and the Ocean's franchise sell like chips at a Vegas casino.

Such is why Jon Watts turned to the dynamite duo for his new action-comedy Wolfs, reuniting them for the first time in 16 years. Going by the official trailer, which literally just dropped, it's a goofy two-hander centring on a pair of ageing “fixers” — think Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction, guys who clean up murder scenes and do other such dirty work — reluctantly forced to team up after a gig goes sideways. Oh, and Euphoria's Austin Abrams is in it, too, backflipping over an oncoming car in his pants. Can't wait! (Why is it called Wolfs? Our best and obviously most plausible guess is to distinguish from the Kanye-West-Sia mega-hit “Wolves,” but hey, who knows.)

Here's everything else we know about Wolfs.

So, where's the trailer for Wolfs?

The official trailer dropped in late May.

It promises an electric crime caper which harkens back to the buddy movies of the ‘80s, with a sprinkling of the Pitt-Clooney-infused star power that elevated so many Hollywood blockbusters through the 2000s. There’s the unmistakable air of Dad Movie here, too. But in truth? Looks like there's something for everyone: DILFs for mum, cars and explosions for dad, and at least one new heartthrob for your sister to yearn over online.

Watch below.

Clooney's in it. Pitt is, too. Who else?

The film has been described as a two-hander between Clooney and Pitt, so they really are the stars of the show here. The pair are both producing the film through their respective production companies, Clooney's Smokehouse Productions and Pitt's Plan B Entertainment.

Though the lens may be placed on the Hollywood super-duo, Euphoria and Do Revenge star Austin Abrams has landed a coveted role alongside them. According to Deadline, his “third lead” role became one of the most sought-after jobs in Hollywood for young actors, and Watts and Apple execs met extensively with actors hoping to nab the star-making role. Insiders have said Abrams' “two tests ultimately blew the director and Apple away.”

When will Wolfs be released?

It's coming on 20 September, per the official trailer. If you need a fixer in the meantime, try Keitel. Maybe he'll have time between the insurance ads.

They're obviously feeling confident. Clooney told Deadline last year that they're already discussing a sequel. Let's hope the first one is good…