An Expert Answers All Your Questions On Suicide Prevention & Mental Health

Written by Femina
Posted on Sep 30, 2021, 18:09 IST
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A lot of us keep ourselves hustling excessively to not confront oneself. People who might be at unrest mentally occupy themselves with chores/socializing and neglect these issues. But this does little to help actually alleviate the issue and restore our mental harmony which evolved into feelings of loneliness, depression, confinement. It’s thus important to understand that most people who attempt suicide or die by suicide don’t want to die – they just want their pain to end or can’t see another way out of their situation.

On a global level, More than 700,000 people kill themselves every year which estimated to around one person commiting suicide every 40 seconds, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Suicide has been tagged as the 17th leading cause of deaths worldwide in 2019. Here we have answered some of the most-common questions about mental health and suicide prevention. Read on.


Is death by suicide a cause of concern in India?

The government of India has defined suicide as it is an unnatural death, the intent to die originated within the person, there is a reason for the person to end his or her life. The trend in suicidal tendencies has increased over the past years. In 2019, 1,39,123 Indians died by suicide. The pandemic hitting the population in 2020, made the statistics even worse. A study conducted by the International Journal of Mental Health Systems examined the suicidal behaviour during India’s COVID-19 lockdown and found a 67.7% increase in online news media reports of suicidal behaviour.


How to identify Suicidal tendency?

The thoughts pertaining to suicidal behaviour don’t emerge overnight; they are a culmination of continuous struggle in one’s mind and may have various individualized manifestations. Here are some of the most common presentations observed in people with suicidal tendencies.

  • Experiencing mood swings - depressed, angry or enraged
  • Feeling hopelessness, helplessness, worthless, guilty, or ashamed or read or write about dying
  • Suddenly seem calm after they have been depressed or suicidal
  • Access to harmful things like rope, gun
  • Turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with difficult feelings or thoughts
  • Lose or gain a lot of weight and unusual eating patterns
  • Uncertain and unusual sleep cycles, unusual eating patterns



How To Help Someone Who Is Having Suicidal Thoughts?

Being at the receiving end of an emotionally loaded conversation especially with someone who is majorly depressed or might have suicidal thoughts could be challenging and overwhelming.

  • Ask them if they would like to talk about what’s going on with them. They might not want to open up straight away, but letting them know you are there for them is a big help. If they don’t feel comfortable opening up to you ask them if you could help them connect with someone they would feel more comfortable with.
  • Accept their feelings and acknowledge that their feelings is real and possible. Listen and don’t judge. Take them seriously. Let them know you care.
  • Offer to help them make an appointment, and go with them if you can. Don't leave them alone – make sure someone stays till they are better.
  • Seek support from professionals, and from other people, they trust including family or friends.


How To Help Yourself If You're Having Suicidal Thoughts?

When life doesn't seem worth living anymore, it may seem that the only way to find relief is through suicide. When you're feeling this way, it may be hard to believe, but you do have other options. Take a step back and separate your emotions from your actions for the moment.

  • Recognise that depression and hopelessness can distort your perceptions and reduce your ability to make good decisions.
  • Realize that suicidal feelings are the result of treatable problems.
  • Act as if there are other options instead of suicide, even if you may not see them right now.
  • Don’t hold yourself back and share your concerns with your loved ones.
  • Get immediate help if you feel you’re having troubles coping with these thoughts.

It may not be easy, and you might not feel better overnight. But slowly and steady, these clouds of despair shall part.


What Are The Most Common Cause Of Attempting Suicide?

Most people who have the thoughts around suiciding seem to be battling chronic loneliness, isolation, various illnesses and the constant mounting pressure around them with a concomitant feeling that their loved ones would be better off without them/ ending their lives would end the struggles they face. The pandemic added extra burden and strained ones financial issues and relationship status as well which lead to a sharp increase in the number of cases being reported.


What Is The Gender Predilection For Suicide?

Studies have shown that women have a tendency towards having comparatively more suicidal thoughts but suicide attempts by men are of more severe nature with more chances of resulting in death. It needs to be emphasized however, that failed suicide attempts can lead to subsequent attempts or even development of self-harm behavioural patterns to escape from adversities. Thus, all suicide attempts need to be taken seriously.


Does Intoxication Influence Risk Of Suicides?

Alcohol and substance abuse problems are problems in itself, however they contribute to suicidal behaviour in several ways. Being dependent on substances increases risk factor like depression, anxiety, social isolation which are potential causes for suicide. In addition to being depressed, there is a tendency for them to face several social and financial problems. Substance use and abuse can be common among persons prone to be impulsive, and among persons who engage in many types of high risk behaviours that result in self-harm.


How Does 'Suicide Contagion' Impact Someone?

Suicide contagion is the exposure to suicide or suicidal behaviours within one's family, one's peer group, or through media reports of suicide and can result in an increase in suicide and suicidal behaviours. Direct and indirect exposure to suicidal behaviour has been shown to lead to an increased risk for suicide, especially in adolescents and young adults. Following exposure to suicide or suicidal behaviours within one's family or peer group, suicide risk can be minimized by having family members, friends, peers, and colleagues of the victim evaluated by a mental health professional.

What Are The Available Resources For Suicide Prevention?
Various preventive helplines and care setups have been set up by governmental and private organizations in order to establish communicative channels for those who need help. The social media has also increased the availability of ‘people to contact’ for those battling suicidal tendencies by spreading awareness and letting them know they are not alone. After all, the entire world is a big family and we all need to take care of each other.

The article is authored by Arouba Kabir, Mental Health Counselor and Founder for Enso Wellness.

Also Read: The Connection Between Cleanliness And Mental Health

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