5 Myths About Menstruation Busted

Written by Ritu Ailani
Posted on Apr 29, 2022, 11:21 IST
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Given the lack of menstrual education in our schools and the age-old superstitions attached to the subject, there is a lot of unnecessary hullabaloo surrounding periods in India. Misleading information propagated through TV commercials makes it worse. Despite efforts being made by the media and entertainment industries to bridge the gap of misinformation, it remains a taboo topic on which many false claims are floated around. Let’s address some of them today, and bust the myths once and for all:


Period Blood Is Dirty

Image: Shutterstock 


Period blood is no different than the blood flowing through your veins in any other part of your body. The reason why it has a smell, though, is because it gets mixed with the uterine tissue, mucus lining and bacteria while being discharged from the vagina. This doesn’t make it filthy or impure in any way.


A Lot Of Blood Is Lost

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Unlike popular belief, not a lot of blood is lost during periods. The uterus lining amounts to merely 2 to 3 tablespoons of blood which is discharged across 4 to 6 days. Those who are experiencing spotting or unusually high quantities of blood loss, should see a gynaecologist.


Reusable Pads Are Unhygienic

Image: Shutterstock


No menstrual product is superior to the other. It’s a matter of choice. Cloth pads are not inherently unhygienic. It depends on how one uses it. Ideally, they should be washed with soap every 4-6 hours and left to dry under direct sunlight, which helps kill the bacteria. Neglecting menstrual hygiene can lead to irritation and infections.


It’s The Same For Everyone

Image: Shutterstock 

Everyone’s experience with periods is different. It’s not okay to shun someone’s emotions as ‘PMS’. It’s not okay to tell them to ‘be strong’ when they’re going through menstrual cramps, because sometimes, the pain is so bad you can’t function like a normal human being. Those suffering from menstrual disorders like endometriosis and dysmenorrhea, which are more common than we think, often claim their cramps feel like stabs. So be empathetic and don’t assume.


Only Women Get Periods

Image: Shutterstock 

Not all women get periods and not all those who do are women. Menstruation is not a gendered phenomenon, as transgender men and non-binary people can also go through it. That’s why it’s more progressive and inclusive to use the term ‘menstruators’. It doesn’t reduce people to a biological process.


Also read: Pranayama Yoga Is The Key To Perfect Health 

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