Russian Hollyhock

Russian Hollyhock



Alcea rugosa

Fantastic hardy perennial hollyhock with big clear yellow papery flowers on 7' stems. Disease-resistant and tough as nails, unprotected plants have been eaten to the ground by deer for the past 5 years on my property, but in 2020 they somehow survived with barely a nibble, and produced a profusion of flowers during the hottest and dryest summer in recent memory.

An excellent candidate for the informal perennial border, this species is less susceptible to rust than our common Hollyhocks, and is reliably perennial, even in the most extreme winter climates. Large flowers attract pollinators, especially bumble bees.

Seeds germinate best with stratification. Tuck seeds just below the surface of moist soil, pressing to keep snug, and mist generously. Place in a sheltered location outdoors, like an unheated screen porch or cold frame, for several weeks during the winter. Seeds will typically germinate once weather begins to warm in spring. Take care to keep soil moist and check frequently for germination. Do not use heat. Alternatively, sow directly into the garden in autumn or early winter.

Best in full sun. Adapts to a wide range of soil types, but will not overwinter in wet soils.

Packet contains at least 30 seeds.

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