During a time known as "peak TV," it's hard to find time to watch everything—impossible, really. And Breaking Bad, which is one of (if not THE) best shows of all time, is one that everyone should absolutely watch. But for anyone who doesn't have 60-plus hours to binge an emotionally draining show about a high school teacher who becomes a drug lord, one filmmaker has edited the entire series into a two-hour movie.

As the creator wrote of the project:

What if Breaking Bad was a movie? After two years of sleepless nights of endless editing, we bring you the answer to that very question. A study project that became an all-consuming passion. It's not a fan-film, hitting the highlights of show in a home-made homage, but rather a re-imagining of the underlying concept itself, lending itself to full feature-length treatment. An alternative Breaking Bad, to be viewed with fresh eyes.

It opens with a scene from Season Two in which an optimistic Walt and Skyler are buying their house in Albuquerque. Skyler is pregnant with Walt Jr., and the parents are making plans for a big family and want a house where they have room to pursue their own dreams. It's tragic, considering what befalls the Whites, and within two hours we see the fall and rise and fall of a doomed Walter White.

People who haven't watched the show will get the gist of the plot, and fans with get a fun new interpretation of the series. And don't think for a second that this is a sloppy supercut of important scenes. This video actually has the feel of a movie, with smooth—although quick—transitions from scene to scene.