Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations [closed]

Check out this trafficker of human body parts!image


Great car insurance with progressive.

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You obviously got the point


Dry sarcasm and the internet, name a better combo :smiley:


Perhaps it’s time to move on. No sense hanging around waiting for stuff you don’t want right?


Yes they have flaws, you’ re right. The M:C pads are meh, the screen lacks constrast, the box is plastic, etc… but… it’s still a device that sounds great and offers a lot for a low price.

It’s funny that you mentioned the BIA, because to me the M:C is a bit like a like a 6 tracks BIA (yes, I know the synthesis modes are different and yes, I do own a BIA).

The thing is… the BIA costs as much as the M:C. And is one voice. And can’t be used as a sound card. And has no sequencer. And… well, you get the point.

Actually I wish Elektron would team with Noise Engineering to make a kick-ass groovebox ! Something like a crossbreed between a model:cycles and the NE oscillators available in Arturia’s Microfreak.


hope for the best, prepare for the worst…

Or just wait and see…who gives a F***

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actually something that could tackle the MD would indeed be nice…

Live in the now.

Live like Batman

you forgot ‘Grantakt’


For some reason when I press a mute on syntakt, it toggles the mutes on half the other pads. Fortunately I’m being told this will only be the case on all first year production models, and will be handled at a later date

You should be angry at snl for mocking the disabled tiny handed’s for laughs. Why don’t you petition to cancel the most woke trash show on television?

The model:cycles is great. I like the pads. I actually prefer these rubber pads and trigs. It’s an amazing machine and the form factor is much more inspiring to me than the takt boxes, especially for performing

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Even though the Models aren’t for me the latest OT and Rytm updates have been a treat. I trust Elektron won’t abandon bigger boxes since the Model series hasn’t really boosted their revenue

Thank you. I knew something was missing.
They can have it.

To keep up the hype, we haven’t touched on colour schemes yet…

My phantasy has settled on a small format MD, so I’m guessing silver, right? :wink:

Not to mention Fyrtakt and Tvåtakt xD


I have a BIA but hadn’t really thought of the the comparison; perhaps because I haven’t got an M:C (yet). Maybe I should…

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Zweitakt, nice.

Or Kraftakt maybe.