
Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations. It was developed by MIT and it is free.

Block coding is an element of programming where text-based computer commands are groups together in pre-programmed blocks that drag and drop together to build computer programs such as animations and games.


Scratch to learn coding

Scratch is probably the easiest way to start coding. Drag and drop blocks of code an make the cat move. But you can create real web apps with Scratch!

A special message for you from the Scratch team

An example

Here you can find Mario game made in Scratch! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/185346/

  • Scratch is free

  • You'll need a smartphone, laptop or desktop

  • We suggest +8 years old.

  • 5-50h

Your options.

You can use Scratch online.

There are apps available for Adroid and iOS (iPhone - iPad).

Be inspired: what you could do

You can find ideas for using Scratch for Climate change here.
This is just ONE option. We prefer you come with your own ideas.