17 Numbers About India That Sound Fake But Are Completely Factual

    True story.

    $600 billion: The gold standard

    £12 billion: Band Billion Baaraat

    46 million: Gunning for the top

    $1 Billion: A home like no other

    25.6 billion: The ultimate playlist

    45%: An unenterprising bunch

    4.031 inches: An unimpressive average

    54%: India's environmental crisis quantified

    18.4 million: Slaving away

    ₹13: Churchill's debt

    800 million litres: A thirsty nation

    1.2 million: Competitive carnage

    2,400: The cost of valuing grades over learning

    23 million: A country on the move

    120 million: A pilgrimage for the ages

    218 million: A country unto its own

    1.324 billion: The number that defines us