
Flyers SB Module 4c (Vocabulary)

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  • a piece of soft thick material for protecting our knees
    knee pad (n)
  • a device which covers our ears through which we can listen to music without other people hearing
    headphones (n)
  • a hand movement that gives information about something
    hand signal (n)
  • fall heavily or suddenly
    fall off (phr v)
  • an object on a bicycle that sends back light to show the position of the bicycle
    reflector (n)
  • completely free to do what you want
    as free as a bird (phr)
  • a strip of leather or material we wear around our waste that sends back the light so others can see us
    reflective belt (n)
  • metal rings connected together in a line used for transferring power from pedals to the wheels
    chain (n)
  • a device in a vehicle or on a bike that makes them slow down or stop
    brakes (n pl)
  • something unpleasant causing injury or death, crash
    accident (n)
  • to keep safe
    protect (v)
  • a hard hat we wear to protect our head
    helmet (n)
  • often
    regularly (adv)
  • a thick rubber ring filled with air around the wheel of a car or a bike
    tyre (n)
  • baggy, not fitting closely clothes
    loose clothes (phr)
  • to have a good opinion about someone, to take into consideration, to obey
    respect (v)