B&S Gauge Thicknesses, Saw Blades, and Drill Bits

Another handy chart for jewelry makers.

The other day, I published a chart of Minimum Metal Gauges for making jewelry. I’d made the chart for my own use, based on information I got from the Rio Grande website.

But what I’ve really wanted for a long while was a single chart that listed B&S gauge sizes, the corresponding measurements in millimeters and inches, and the correct jeweler’s saw blade and drill bit sizes for each gauge. For some reason, I could not find all of this information on one chart anywhere.

So I made one by combining information from the Contenti and Livingston Jewelers websites. Here’s the result:

Thicknesses, blades, and bits
This is the chart I’ve been looking for! In the end, I had to make it myself from multiple sources of information.

You can download this chart as a PDF from my public Dropbox folder.

Keep in mind that although I do have a set of jeweler’s drill bits, I don’t use them. Instead, I have a set of bits in various fractional mm sizes — I pick the drill bit I need from that set because I can get a much closer drill bit size for my needs.

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