Day 116: sour-sweet, silky-smooth lusciousness

I can only apologise for the shortness of this post; it’s my Mum’s birthday (at the time of writing), and we’re off to a local, family-owned Sardinian restaurant for dinner. I fear if I wait until tomorrow to write about it, I’ll either be a) too “tired”, or b) too busy at work, and end up falling behind. Because, whilst in no rush to complete this 365-day Nigella cookalong, I did earlier today realise that I’ll need to choose, cook, photograph, and write-up, five Nigella recipes a week, in order to reach the halfway mark by the end of September (exactly one year after starting). That would put us at Day 182.5 (let’s say 183) by the beginning of October; with a completion date of 1st October 2022 for Day 365. I won’t lie, the thought alone of that date saddens me.

Anyway, in a call-out for recommendations for #365daysofnigella on Twitter a couple of weeks ago, food writer, and lovely person, and who I admire very much, Nicola Miller, suggested that I should make Nigella’s Margarita Ice Cream. So, here it is. Pardon the gimmicky(?) styling. Not sure if that’s the word I’m looking for, but I know it’s predictable.

Nigella’s Margarita Ice Cream

Mix ingredients. Freeze. I can offer little else to you for the ‘making of’ section of this post. It’s a miracle that any of this sprightly, creamy silk made it into the freezer; enjoying it by the spoonful - unfrozen - was insanely pleasurable.

I made this on Tuesday evening and froze it in the outdoor chest freezer. At 8 am the next day, I was unlocking the shed door with a spoon in my for tasting!

Flavour musing

I found particular joy in being tactical in my Scraping of the Mixing Bowl; giving me generous accumulations of unfrozen margarita ice cream on the insides of the bowl to lick my way through, and sumptuously velvet mouthfuls to scoop my way through after freezing. Luscious scoops of this sour-sweet, silky-smooth, melt-in-the-mouth Margarita ice cream were enjoyed for lunch after my Mum’s birthday brunch.

Thanks for the recommendation Nicola!


Day 117: fierce summer sweetness


Day 115: a little off game