Best SVG Conversion Tools For All Formats

By Troy Published March 27, 2024

Best SVG Conversion Tools For All Formats
Best SVG Conversion Tools For All Formats

In the digital and graphic design world, SVG files are celebrated for their scalability and quality, making them a staple for web designers, developers, and graphic artists. Whether you're looking to create sharp, scalable icons, complex animations, or ensure your graphics are accessible across all devices, finding the right tools can make all the difference. This article dives into the best SVG conversion tools, ensuring that your designs not only look stunning but are also versatile across all formats.

1. Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator stands out as a powerhouse among SVG tools & software, offering extensive features that go beyond mere conversion. Its ability to seamlessly export designs as SVG files makes it a top choice for professionals. Illustrator's robust toolkit allows for intricate design work, making it an ideal platform for crafting detailed graphics that retain their quality in the SVG format.

2. Inkscape

Inkscape is a free, open-source vector graphics editor that rivals even the best paid software in terms of functionality. It excels at converting various formats into SVG, providing users with a wide array of tools for editing and refining their graphics. With its commitment to accessibility, Inkscape includes features that help ensure your SVGs are optimized for all users, making it a valuable asset for those concerned with SVG accessibility tools.

3. SVGator

SVGator is a powerful SVG animation tool that is designed specifically for creating and editing SVG animations without requiring any coding knowledge. It’s user-friendly and offers a wide range of animation features, making it easy to bring your SVG files to life. SVGator's ability to export animations as a single SVG file makes it a favorite among designers looking to add interactive elements to their websites or digital projects.

4. CloudConvert

CloudConvert is an online file conversion tool that supports a wide range of formats, including SVG. It's incredibly versatile and user-friendly, allowing for easy conversion of images, documents, and even videos into SVG format. CloudConvert stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness, making it a great option for those needing quick conversions without the need for additional software.

5. Boxy SVG

Boxy SVG is a streamlined online SVG editor that focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It provides the essential tools needed for creating and editing SVG files directly in your browser, making it accessible from anywhere. Boxy SVG is particularly appealing for beginners or those who prefer working within a more straightforward, less cluttered interface.

6. Vectr

Vectr is another free, online tool that offers a straightforward approach to SVG creation and editing. Its intuitive interface and real-time collaboration feature make it ideal for teams looking to work together on SVG projects. Vectr’s simplicity doesn’t sacrifice power, as it provides enough features for creating professional-quality graphics.

7. Gravit Designer

Gravit Designer is a full-featured vector design app suitable for all kinds of graphics work, including creating and editing SVG files. It’s available both online and as a desktop app, offering flexibility in how and where you use it. Gravit Designer balances complexity and usability, providing a rich set of tools that are accessible to both beginners and seasoned professionals.

8. SVG.js

SVG.js is a lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG files through code. It’s perfect for developers looking to integrate SVG manipulation capabilities directly into their projects. SVG.js makes it possible to create dynamic, interactive SVG graphics that can respond to user interactions and data changes.

9. Canva

Canva is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making graphic design accessible to everyone. While primarily a design tool, Canva supports exporting projects in various formats, including SVG. Its drag-and-drop interface, coupled with a vast library of templates, makes it a go-to for quick designs that can be easily converted into SVG format.

10. GIMP

GIMP, or GNU Image Manipulation Program, is a free and open-source image editor that can also be used for basic SVG file editing. While not as feature-rich in the vector department as Illustrator or Inkscape, GIMP offers a good starting point for those looking to do simple conversions or edits without the need for specialized software.


Selecting the right SVG conversion tool is crucial for achieving high-quality, scalable, and accessible graphics. From powerful desktop applications like Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape to online SVG editors and specialized SVG animation tools like SVGator, the options are vast and varied. Each tool offers unique features and benefits, catering to different needs and skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a beginner, the perfect SVG conversion tool is out there to make your graphics work flawlessly across all formats. Remember, the goal is not just to convert but to transform your graphics into versatile, scalable, and accessible pieces of art.