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an animal that is laying down on the ground with its paws in it's mouth
Vogelbekdier uit Australië
two baby animals being held in their hands
Curiosidades sobre o ornitorrinco
Curiosidades sobre o ornitorrinco
a stuffed animal with a black tongue sticking out
Duck-billed Platypus
Duck-billed Platypus
two baby plathes are being held in their hands
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OMG! I want one. And I shall name him Perry. for me & my nephew to share! since he loves perry!
a cow is swimming in the water with it's head above the water surface
Ornitorrinco (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), do grego: ornitho, ave + rhynchus, bico; e do latim: anati, pato + inus, natural da Austrália e Tasmânia. "a prova de que deus tem senso de humor..." (t. pratchett)
an animal that is laying down on the ground with its paws in it's mouth
Platypus. Visit Facebook: "Animals are Awesome". Animals, Wildlife, Pictures, Photography, Beautiful, Cute.
an animal that is laying down on a towel
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an animal that is swimming in some water
an animal that is laying down on the ground with its paws in it's mouth
50 Reasons Australia is the Greatest...
Platypus ... so hard to see them in the wild! Elusive little creatures. Monotreme actually.
a person holding a bird in their hand with the caption platypus
15 Adorable Photos Of "Puggles" (Baby Platypuses)
An adorable baby Platypus!