Pipe Insulation with TREX Duct Tape

Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape

Ever heard the expression, “just throw some Duct Tape on it!”? Well, there is a really good reason for that. Virtually every home has a stock of the magical tape that can basically hold almost anything together. Tents, plastic pieces, and through the years I have even seen bumpers held on with Duct Tape! Today we are going to explore a really useful life hack I have used for a while on my home. Let’s dive into Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape!

About T-REX®

Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape
Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape

While Duct Tape is well known as the universal fixer, not all are created equal. Most people know T-REX® for their crazy awesome Duct Tape, and it’s with a really good reason! T-REX® Duct Tape is created for a wide range of applications, with double thick adhesive to stick to even the toughest places. With UV protection, T-REX® Duct Tape also provides significant durability in all weather conditions and ensures repairs of all kinds hold up to aggressive environments.

T-REX® makes a slew of different adhesives and tapes too, all designed to solve a problem that common tapes and adhesives can’t seem to tackle on their own. Check out how I use some of these products like the T-REX® Super Glue Tape or the T-REX® Waterproof Tape around my home and in my shop!

The Project

Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape

Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct TapePipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape As soon as the weather shifts from warm to cold, you’ll see a surge of people heading to every big box store around to find pipe insulation. If you live in a place like me, and only get a few hard freezes every year, with no predictability on timing, you’ll likely be grappling with fellow customers to get that last faucet cover, especially if you wait until the day its set to freeze.

Thankfully, I try to make time every fall, well before the risk of freezes start to insulate our external plumbing. Now, if I know one thing, is that it’s rare for people to have the type of external plumbing we have, generally, water filters and softeners aren’t outside the home, but it’s a costly fix to relocate them, and honestly, it’s been like that since well before we owned the home. It makes these precautions extra important though!

Beyond standard insulation, and an odd location, we also have the obstacle of critters. Living on this heavily wooded property has caused a few interesting problems with the local wildlife, one of which seems to be their enjoyment of destroying any and all insulation. The first year we lived here, and after wrapping our pipes multiple times, I knew there had to be a better way. My secret weapon became my T-REX® Duct Tape, and I have never looked back. So, let’s hop into the quick and easy steps I take to get my pipe installation to last all season long, and if you’re lucky, maybe even for many seasons to come.


Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape

Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape

First things first, get your pipe insulation, and honestly do it early! I usually cut this with utility scissors or a utility knife to size based on your specific pipe set up.

Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape

Wrap the pipe just as you normally would being sure to take extra measures on joints and 90-degree elbows.

Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape

Using a pair of utility scissors cut your Duct Tape into strips, just long enough to wrap around the insulation fully. You could wrap in layers continuously, but I tend to prefer multiple pieces over one as it offers a better-finished appearance.

Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape

Slightly overlap these Duct Tape pieces to increase the strength and integrity of the insulation. Keep wrapping until you’re finished and take extra care with joints and elbows throughout.


Wrap UP-

Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape

Pipe Insulation with T-REX® Duct Tape

There are quite literally a thousand different ways to use Duct Tape, whether in the home or in the shop, Duct Tape is universally indispensable. In the case of the Plumbing Insulation, the Duct Tape has solved more than a single issue. We have the insulation from the cold weather and hard freezes, but also have protection from the wildlife that seems to have taken a particular interest in these materials in the past. As well, with the additional UV protection the T-REX® Duct Tape affords, we have better insulation properties than we had with standard foam insulation.

To me, taking the extra step in repairs like this is a no-brainer. In what ways do y’all utilize Duct Tape?

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