01/6Do you feel extremely cold all the time?

It is natural to feel frosty in winters or in summers due to overzealous Air Conditioners in offices. But if you feel cold all the time even when people around you are feeling perfectly fine, it may be a sign that something is not right with your body. Everyone indeed has a different reaction to cold. There might be people, who feel alright even when the temperature is as low as 10-degree Celcius and there is another category of people who wear all sort of warm clothes as soon as the temperature touches 15-degree Celcius. Even women and men have varying levels of cold intolerance due to different resting metabolic rate. However, this is not the case all the time. Sometimes it can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Here are some reasons you might be feeling more cold than others.


02/6You have Anemia

You have Anemia

Lack of healthy red blood cells in the body also known as Anemia can be a major reason why you are always feeling frosty. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body and if for some reason your body doesn’t make enough of them then you might feel colder than others. You suffer from anemia when your body does not get sufficient amount of iron to make red blood cells or they are destroyed, which can happen due to insufficient diet, inflammatory bowel disease, blood loss or pregnancy. This reduces the circulation of blood in your limbs, making you feel colder.


03/6You have Hypothyroidism

You have Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition when your body does not produce sufficient amount of thyroid hormones. The hormones are responsible for regulating your metabolism. Due to the scarcity of thyroid hormones, your body finds it difficult to regulate the internal temperature and you feel colder. Other symptoms of Hypothyroidism are forgetfulness, depression, dry skin, fatigue and weight gain.


04/6You are sleepy

You are sleepy

Sleep also plays an essential role in regulating your body's temperature. Lack of sleep can interfere with your circadian rhythm and you might start feeling frosty. Our body follows a 24-hour cycle and even a slight change in it can disrupt its normal functioning. So, if you feel cold all the time, get proper amount of sleep.


05/6You've lost weight recently

You've lost weight recently

Our body uses fat to maintain its internal temperature to keep us warm. If you have lost weight recently that means you have lost fat and hence you are feeling chilly. Though, this is not the case with everybody. When you are on a low-calorie diet, your metabolism slows down and your body finds it hard to regulate the temperature. People suffering from any kind of eating disorder also feel colder due to the same reason.


06/6You have Raynaud’s disease

You have Raynaud’s disease

Raynaud’s disease is a rare blood vessel disorder, which causes the blood vessels to narrow when the temperature drops. This makes you feel colder. At times the person's feet and arms turn blue or numb due to improper circulation of blood in that area. Not only the weather, even stress can trigger this condition. Raynaud's disease is mostly treated by making lifestyle changes.
