01/8​Why was Rice water given to kids in rural areas​

Since ages, Rice water or Rice starch has been given to kids in rural areas as a health enriching broth, but is Rice water actually good? Let’s find more about it…


02/8​​Why was Rice water given to kids?​

​​Why was Rice water given to kids?​

In most rural areas, kids in their early years are often given warm Rice water or Rice broth as a meal as it was believed to be highly nutritious and also because it was locally produced in several parts of the country. Another reason why Rice water or Madd was extensively consumed as a meal was because of the food crisis and affordability.


03/8​​But is Rice water actually good?​

​​But is Rice water actually good?​

Rice water broth has been consumed in several parts of the world as a meal, but what exactly is Rice water?Rice water is basically the liquid leftover after cooking rice, which was traditionally used in several culinary purposes and is usually considered safe for consumption as it is rich in nutrients like carbohydrates, small amounts of protein, and some minerals. Here are some reasons why including Rice water to your kids diet is a great idea.


04/8​Nutrients in Rice water​

​Nutrients in Rice water​

Nutrients in Rice waterRice water is generally safe for kids and can be included as part of a kids diet as it primarily contains carbohydrates, and the nutrient content can vary based on the type of Rice used and the cooking method. However, just a simple Rice broth isn’t enough for healthy growth and development of kids as this broth can only provide a small amount of nutrients and energy, but it is not a substitute for a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of foods.




Rice water is easily digestible, which can be beneficial for children, especially if they are dealing with digestive issues or stomach upset. It can be a mild and soothing option for those transitioning to solid foods.




Like other clear fluids, Rice water can contribute to hydration. Ensuring that children stay adequately hydrated is important for their overall health.


07/8​​Healing properties​

​​Healing properties​

In some cultures, Rice water is also used for its unique healing properties. It is believed that consuming Rice water can help in healing stomach ailments and issues of mild diarrhea.


08/8​​In a nutshell​

​​In a nutshell​

It can be concluded that Rice water can make for a healthy addition to your kid’s diet, but it is also important to understand that it cannot be a replacement for a healthy balanced meal as it has minimal amount of nutrition and should be balanced with a healthy nutrient rich diet.
