Sheepishly and Saucily


Sheepishly adverb - In a manner showing no signs of pride or self-assertion.
Usage example: the younger boy, who idolized the older one, would sheepishly follow him around and be at his beck and call

Saucily is an antonym for sheepishly.

Nearby Word: sheepish


Saucily adverb - In an impudent or impertinent manner.
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Synonyms for Saucily

Sheepishly is an antonym for saucily.

Nearby Word: saucy
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Saucily and Sheepishly. (2016). Retrieved 2024, May 08, from
Sheepishly & Saucily. N.p., 2016. Web. 08 May. 2024. <>.
Saucily or Sheepishly. 2016. Accessed May 08, 2024.

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