Regardful and Scornful


Regardful adjective - Marked by or showing proper regard for another's higher status.
Usage example: his regardful willingness to let his elderly father carve the turkey this year

Scornful is an antonym for regardful.

Nearby Words: regardless, regarded, regarding


Scornful adjective - Feeling or showing open dislike for someone or something regarded as undeserving of respect or concern.
Usage example: the actress gave the paparazzi a scornful glare before breezing on by them

Regardful is an antonym for scornful.

Nearby Words: scorn, scorned, scornfully, scorning
Cite this Source
Scornful and Regardful. (2016). Retrieved 2024, May 07, from
Regardful & Scornful. N.p., 2016. Web. 07 May. 2024. <>.
Scornful or Regardful. 2016. Accessed May 07, 2024.
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