Disclaim and Declare


Disclaim verb - To refuse to acknowledge as one's own or as one's responsibility.
Usage example: the prisoner disclaimed any part in the prank

Declare is an antonym for disclaim.


Declare verb - To state as a fact usually forcefully.
Usage example: she would declare her innocence to the whole world if she could

Disclaim is an antonym for declare in topics: make known clearly or officially, claim as possession.

Cite this Source
Declare and Disclaim. (2016). Retrieved 2024, May 07, from https://thesaurus.plus/related/disclaim/declare
Disclaim & Declare. N.p., 2016. Web. 07 May. 2024. <https://thesaurus.plus/related/disclaim/declare>.
Declare or Disclaim. 2016. Accessed May 07, 2024. https://thesaurus.plus/related/disclaim/declare.
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