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this is a snape did nothing wrong ever in his life blog, die mad about it. everyone who drops a comment on an unrelated post to whine about how snape treats his students owes me ten (10) whole dollars


you know it’s worth having a conversation about how fandom is totally fine with jumping into the idea that james is a poc, despite the fact that his background is so obviously aligned with every spoiled, rich, white kid at any boarding school in england while the moment someone mentions headcanoning snape as a poc, there’s accusations of racism getting thrown around???

like there’s just as many hints for a non-white snape as there are for a non-white james. his skin tone, his hair, and his nose are all… in some ways uncomfortably close to propaganda descriptions of jewish or muslim people. he comes from a working-poor background, which tends to be non-white. it’s just as much in the realm of possibility that he could be a poc as james potter, rich boy extraordinaire. but while one headcanon is embraced so much it’s become a fandom trend, the other is completely ridiculed????


Do I understand that correctly? There are people in the fandom who believe Sev was no white man?

@ those ‘Vollpfosten’ (full stillt) READ finally the books, letter by letter, or for those lazy people this:


sallow means pale aka whiter than white


i was going to ignore this but my Need To Be Right is rearing its ugly head again bc sallow very much does NOT mean ‘pale’ and literally the simplest google search will tell you that


tbh, i’ve always read sallow less as a ‘color’ skin description and more as a way of describing a skin ‘type’ (see the pallid, waxen synonyms above) and meant to show that snape’s skin is unhealthy or ill, not necessarily describing his “skin tone.” but even if it IS, sallow is still not a description used for white/pale people??? so it’s not like… “irrefutable” evidence to snape’s supposed whiteness in any way. no other description of snape even mentions his skin tone as far as i remember???

i mean all of this is ignoring the fact of COURSE jk rowling wrote snape as white - she wrote every character white except for those explicitly marked otherwise (dean, the patil sisters, cho chang). but in the books, there’s just as little “evidence” for his whiteness as james potter, so there’s literally no reason whatsoever to make people feel bad or wrong about their nonwhite snape headcanons. 

anyway, love brown snape headcanons!!! and nonwhite snape headcanons!!! 

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