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Shine Quotes to Make You Feel Good

If it isn’t obvious, the word SHINE around here is pretty special to us. When we shine we bring light to darkness, and we help light others up so they shine, too. When we think of the word shine, it describes how we want you to feel when you wear our products. Shine represents the light we believe every woman has inside of her. So, in honor of our favorite word, we thought today we’d share some of our favorite quotes with the word Shine! 

"As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others."

-Marianne Williamson

“Being a star means that you just find your own special place, and that you shine where you are. To me, that’s what being a star means.” 

-Dolly Parton

“My broken brilliance will shine a light in the darkness.”

-Matt Hardy

“Never dull your shine for somebody else.”

-Tyra Banks

“Simply shine your light on the road ahead, and you are helping others see their way out of darkness.”

-Katrina Mayer

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”

-Maya Angelou

“Let your light shine today, and let your personality blossom, too. You don’t have to be a people-please, just a people-lover.”

-Beth Moore

“It’s okay to be a glowstick--sometimes we need to break before we shine.”


“Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and courage. Share your wisdom. Radiate love.”

-Wilfred Peterson

“Stars can’t shine without darkness.”

D.H. Sidebottom

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