It’s summer and the fun pitter patter of little feet may be getting LOUDER by the day. While the warm look of hardwood and the cool style of stone are more popular than ever, both of these flooring selections often create family noise that can even travel across the entire house. While the look of your flooring is important, people rarely consider soundproofing when they are at the selection or construction phase of a new flooring project. Check out the options below and consider installing this important material for a quieter, more peaceful atmosphere at home.

– Regular fiberglass that is used on your exterior walls, ceiling or in the attic can also be used on the floor.

– Cork or rubber based insulation can be placed between the flooring layers. By adding sound proofing between the floor joists, your subfloor will be able to support thicker material which is traditionally quieter.

– As your house ages, the noise created by creaks in the flooring will increase. When you replace flooring in an old home, always add insulation to reduce the noise caused by loose screws or warped boards.

– Carpet underlayment is also a practical option for home owners. These multi-function products are designed to reduce the transfer of sound from foot impact. It can also reduce the sound from foot impact. It can also reduce the sound from airborne sources, adds comfort to your carpeted floors and extends the life of your carpet.

– An acoustic vinyl barrier is another effective, one-step solution for sound proofing. It is inexpensive, easy to install and it works!

Shhhhhh……do you hear anything? No! See… CAN have a quiet home…..if only it was that easy to stop the kids from fighting 😉